Are you deaf?

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A/N: there was some problems with the story so I did delete this part and the one after it so if you got a notification saying it's updated, you've already read it. (16th August 2022)

*No One's Pov*

Kat got out of the cab and gave the driver $20 before walking towards the house, drugs rattling around in her hand and her head held high.

"Sell your own goddamn drugs." Said Kat as she walked through the door and threw the bag at Noah.

"Why aren't you selling them?"

"I don't know, maybe because police are at the party. They are undercover."

"That's your fault. You brought the police to our attention."

"You nearly killed me."

"Maybe I should've. It's not hard, I killed your mother."

Kat just stood there and nodded to him as she went to grab a glass of water.

"Are you deaf?"

"No. I knew you killed her. What do you wmat me to do? Scream and cry on the floor until I can barely breathe?"

"It would be nice."

"I'll pass, thanks."

"You need to be more grateful. I gave you everything in life."

"All you gave me was bruises and pain. Mom gave me happiness."

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be here today."

"I'd be happier if I wasn't. You don't like me, why not chuck me in a group home?"

"Because I need you."

"For what?"

"To make money."

"No. I'm moving on after school. I'm going to New York and getting the hell away from you and Chicago."

"To do what?"

"To be something. I don't want to sell drugs for you or dress up in slutty outfits and dance in front of pervy men for money. I'm not going to be treated like shit by you or anybody else."

"I have given you everything. The food you eat. A home."

"No. You gave me a house. A roof to live under. I wouldn't exactly call it a home. You don't even buy the food in this house. I have to do that because you're too lazy to even get up off your own ass."

"I never wanted you."

"I gathered." Snapped Kat as she went to walk away.

"We are family. Family don't give up on each other."

"We may share the same blood and have the same DNA but we are not family."

"Don't give up on me, Kat. I need you."

"I need you, my ass. I'm not going to listen to another speech about how much you love me and that you would be sad if you lost me. The only thing you need is help. Or a jail cell, that would work too. You can spend time with other lowlives and drunks. That is where you belong."

"Fuck you, Kat."

"Fuck you too." Said Kat as she held up her middle fingers and went to walk away.

He picked up a glass and threw it at the wall that was next to her head. She turned to face him and started to regret everything she had said.

"I'm sorry. I was angry and I shouldn't have said any of that."

"No. You shouldn't have."

Kat begged him to stop as glass after glass came hurtling towards the wall above her head. She slid down the wall, thinking he was done. Oh was she wrong.

He grabbed her by her hair and dragged her into the middle of the room before proceeding to kick her in the ribs. He left a few punches to her face until she coughed up blood and then walked into the kitchen. Kat stumbled to her feet, catching the wall as her ribs shot sharp pains up her sides.

She thought he was finished but he came back with a shiny object. She grabbed her shoes as he walked back over. Kat punched him in the stomach and ran out the door.

He chased after her as she limped away. He was a little unfit so couldn't catch up to her and Kat was running with every bit of power she had left in her. Kat dropped to the floor as the knife peirced her leg. She turned to see him catching up and she struggled to get to her feet before he got to her. He grabbed the knife, pulled it out and then walked calmly back to the house as if nothing had ever happened.

Kat slowly got up and tried crawling to the side of the road in case a car came. She didn't want to be hit, she at least wanted to survive this. Kat was still so far away when she passed out on the floor. Darkness taking over her vision.

She woke up five minutes later after hearing heavy footsteps coming towards her. She slowly got to her feet, seeing her dad walk towards her.

Jay and Antonio sped down the road after leaving the hospital. Everyone else had left the hospital too and weren't far behind.

As they were driving, Jay slammed on the brakes, causing Antonio to hit the seat hard.

*Jay's Pov*

We were driving down the road to see Kat stumbling outside of her house with her dad following quickly behind. He slapped her round the face but she stayed where she was.

He punched her round the face and then held her in place as he sent two more punches to her stomach. He then kneed her in the face and shoved her backwards.

I felt like we were in a dream and every time we drove faster, the road was getting longer. When we finally reached them, we stopped our cars and hopped out, our guns raised.

"I will kill her!" Noah shouted.

"Everyone, put your guns down." Ordered Hank.

Kat fell onto her knees but stood up quickly. Blood was dripping down her face as she held her ribs and then spat blood out onto his feet. Her mouth was full of blood as she smiled, showing her white and red teeth.

"I'm still standing." She said.

Noah slapped her again but this time, Kat fought back. She threw a punch to his face before her knees hit the floor. She dragged herself to her feet and kneed him in the face while he was on his knees.

She spat out more blood as she slowly walked away from him, holding up her middle fingers.

She walked towards us but didn't reach us in time as she passed out on the floor in front of us. I ran over, scooping her up into my arms without even checking her injuries.

"Antonio and Jay, go! We'll stay back and take care of Noah." Said Hank.

"Don't kill him. Let his ass rot in jail." Said Antonio.

I got into the back of Antonio's car, holding Kat in my arms, rocking her back and forth. I tried to put pressure on her wounds but there were too many. She was bleeding from her stomach and her leg and then her ribs were probably crushing her lungs, stopping her from breathing fully.

A Broken Pair - (CPD)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt