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*Bella's Pov*

I was grabbing some stuff from my locker as a tear rolled down my cheek. I heard heavy footsteps walking up to me as I went to shut my locker but it was slammed instead.

"What the hell, Bella?" Snapped Josh.

"Josh, I can explain."

"I sure as hell hope so. What was that?"

"Alan told me to. If I didn't, he said he would hurt Kat and then reveal all her bruises to the school."

"How is he going to get the pictures of the bruises?"

"I don't know but I just wanted to help Kat. I know what I did was wrong and trust me I was going to apologise as soon as I could."

"Don't ever do that again."

"I don't plan on it."

"Okay. We have science, let's go. We'll meet Kat there and you can explain."

When we got to science, Kat was nowhere to be seen. I turned to see Alan and his mates laughing while stumbling around as if he couldn't breathe from how hard he was laughing. The girls walked past us giggling as they looked down at me and Sapphire watched Josh before sending a sinister smile.

"Why do I feel like they've done something?" I said towards Josh.

He just nodded and then stood still as he sniffed. I gave him a weird look as the boys barged past us and into the classroom.


"What?" I asked.

"They smell of chlorine."

We both looked at each other before we dropped our books and ran down the steps of the science block. We cut through the cafeteria and ended up on the other side of the school. We ran towards the double doors and barged through them to see Kat's bag at the side of the pool and a book floating in the water. Josh took off his shoes and his shirt before diving into the water. When he came back up, Kat was in his arms. She was flailing about in the water as he pulled her to the side of the pool.

"Kat! You can swim, what happened?" I asked as I pulled her out of the water and held her close to my body.

"I don't know. I didn't have the strength to swim up."

"I'll call Jay." Said Josh.

"No, it's fine. I don't want to worry him and make the situation worse."

"They just tried to drown you." Said Josh.

"Wait, Bella. Why are you here?" Asked Kat towards me as she sat up and grabbed her bag.

"They told me to say that stuff so they wouldn't hurt you. Alan also plans on revealing your bruises over social media."

"Yeah well they hurt me. How are they even going to get the images?"

"I don't know. Maybe when you are getting changed for PE."

"Could be."

"I'm sorry, Kat. For what I said."

"It's fine, I forgive you. Let's go."

It was now lunch, Kat left with Josh to the cafeteria as I walked to the bathroom. Why does Josh feel like he needs to butt into everything? It's like she has forgotten what he said to her. He made fun of our dead moms and how our dads never wanted us.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I went to call Jay but then hesitated for a moment and put my phone back away.

When I walked into the cafeteria, Josh and Kat were in line. They bought some food and then left the room without even acknowledging that I was there. They said they would wait for me.

*Kat's Pov*

"I don't want to do chemistry next week." Said Josh and I just gave him a strange look.

"What? You have to do chemistry today. What's the difference?"

"We have a test next week."

"What? Oh my god. I need to study. Why didn't I hear about this?"

"It was announced on Wednesday."

I was cleared for today, which is Thursday. That means, any announcements that were given out on Wednesday and the other days before hand, I have missed.

"We have a math test tomorrow." He said.

"What? Oh my god. I need to study."

"Stop repeating the same sentence and follow me. We will go and study."

"What about food?" I asked.

"We'll grab it later. You need to study."

We had been studying for ten minutes when I heard his stomach growl and then realised that I had forgotten to tell Bella we had gone to the library. We were in the cafeteria before but we just grabbed some drinks because the line was busy and we weren't particularly hungry at the time.

"I'm gonna go grab some food. Keep studying."

"Okay. Can you tell Bella that we are here?"

"Yeah sure."

When Josh was gone, my mind wandered back to the conversation I was having with Bella the other day.

*Four days ago*

"I can't wait to leave this hospital." I said to Bella.

"I can't wait either. I miss hanging on a comfy bed and playing truth or dare."

"Me too." I giggled.

"Hey, Bella. I have a question."

"Okay. What's up?"

"I don't know how to say this."

"Just spit it out already."

"Please don't judge me."

"I'm not going to. Now, what is it?"

"I'm thinking about not going to NYU."

She paused for a bit and her face dropped. I was so worried I had hurt her feelings that I was going to take it back and say it was a joke but she spoke before I could.

"I was thinking the same thing." She said.

"Really?" I asked, full of excitement.

"Yeah. I like it here." She said.

"Same here. This is the life I want. Surrounded by a big family who will be there when I need it."

"Yeah. Same." She said.

*Present Time*

I had a small smile on my face thinking about staying in Chicago and looking for a college more local that would still be good and get me the stuff I need to become what I want to be.

Josh returned a few moments later and took a seat beside me. He had some fries in his hand and a sausages roll in his pocket. He gave me a smile before sliding a chocolate bar across the table and towards me.

"What's this for?"

"Brain food and I may have called Jay about what happened."

"What? Josh, I told you not to."

"He said he would pick you up after school."

"Did he say that or did you have to convince him?"

"I may of had to convince him. I said we were studying for a big test that we had after lunch."

"Wow. He is not going to like the fact that you lied."

"Who cares?"

"I care. I want him to actually like you."

"Trust me, he'll love me."

"Hank doesn't currently like you."

"Oh. Is that the big scary guy?"


"Well, he's not the only one."

"Who else doesn't like you?"

"I don't." Said Bella as she walked into the library with her arms crossed.

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