I'm okay

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"What are you doing here?" I asked Hank as he put handcuffs on Kat.

"You have no right to arrest me! I haven't done anything!" She shouted as she kicked Hank in the face by accident.

He roughly pulled her up and out of the building as we followed behind. Hank put her in our car and we drove back to the district with her. When he walked her into the bullpen, she tried to get out of my grip.

"You can't arrest me! I haven't done anything."

"How about an assault of a police officer? Or vandalism?" Said Hank.

"Yes I spray painted that. His dad was drunk, got in a car and killed a woman. All he did was pay the family."

"There is one charge. How about the drug dealing charge?"

"Talk to Alvin Olinsky. He cleared that."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"He's dead."


"Yeah. He died a year ago."

She kept silent as Hank pretended to bump into her side. She let out a breath in pain as Will walked in.

"Will?" She questioned.

"Jay. You can't arrest her." Said Will.

"Exactly. Listen to him."

"You ran from us."

"Why is he here? He's a doctor, not a cop."

"Take a seat in here." I said as I took off the cuffs and got her to sit down on the sofa in the breakroom.

"Can you lift up your shirt?" Will asked.



"I said no. I'm fine."

Hank closed the door behind us and laid the photos out on the table. She picked one up and looked at it.

"What is this?"

"This is you."

"What are you? Perverts?"

"Kat. We are trying to help you."

"I don't want help. I'm okay."

"No. You're not."

"Can I go?"

"If Will takes a look at you. Then yes, you can go."

"No." She said with tears in her eyes.

She moved towards the door and attempted to get it open but failed miserably.

"Let me out!" She cried.

"I can't do that." Said Hank.

"Let me out!" She shouted as she tried to get the door open.

"Kat." Will said.

"You can't keep me here! Let. Me. Out!"

We all stood there as she put her head on the door and cried her eyes out. She turned around and slid down the door, putting her head in her hands.

"Ple...please." She cried.

I went to put my hands on hers to calm her down but she bawled them into fists. I grabbed her hands and lowered them.

"If you don't want help, that's okay. Just please let Will check you out."

"I'll pass, thanks." Said Kat as she got up off the floor and donkey kicked the door. The wood split as she pushed the door open and then slammed it shut behind her.

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