New Family

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*Kat's Pov*

"Who are you choosing?" Asked Bella.

"I'm going with Jay. Kevin is like a friend and I don't want to live with his siblings. Plus, Jay saved me."

"I thought you would go with Hank."

"I hate that man."

"Kat, you should talk to him."

"He got Al killed."

"Let it go!" She shouted.

"I'm done with my decision, you need to make yours."

"I'll go with Antonio."

"Okay." I said and turned back around.

I don't feel great, at all. I feel dizzy and spinning back around nearly made me topple over.

"So, what will it be?" Asked Hank.

"I'd like to stay with Jay." I said.

"You sure?" Jay asked.

"Yeah. I've pushed you away so many times but I actually need you. I'm sorry." I said.

"It's okay." Jay smiled.

"Bella?" Asked Hank.

"I'll choose Antonio." She said.

"Okay. We'll get the paperwork signed as soon as we get back but for now, you guys need to go back to the hospital." Said Hank.

We started walking towards them but my legs gave out on my and I collapsed to the floor. Jay ran over and sat by my side.

"Where does it hurt?" Jay asked.

"I'm bleeding, Jay." I gasped in pain.

"Antonio, grab the car. Now!" Shouted Hank as he and the others ran down the runway and towards the cars.

Antonio pulled up and Bella got into the passenger seat as Jay sat in the back with me.

*Jay's Pov*

"You're going to be okay." I whispered as I held her.

"I know I am because I'm safe with you. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I've got you."

Hank called ahead to the hospital to let them now that we were coming in. Kat was struggling to stay awake as she hugged my arm that was holding onto her.

"How is she?" Asked Ethan as ran up to us.

"She's torn her stiches and is gasping for air."

"Okay. We are taking her up to surgery." Said Crockett.

"Please save her."

"She will be fine, Jay."

I watched for the second time as they wheeled her into the elevator, ready for surgery.

"She'll be okay." Said Antonio as he walked towards Bella's room.

She was having an IV put in and Will was doing the necessary checks like her heart rate and her breathing.

A couple of hours later, Ethan came out with an update on Kat.

"She's going to be okay. She did tear a few stiches. We stopped the bleeding and sorted the stiches out. She will be one hell of a doctor one day if she decides to go down that route."

"Thanks, Ethan." I chuckled and walked to her room.

"Heyy." She said, her voice sounding sleepy.

"Hey." I said and took a seat next to her bed.

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