A crazy ER

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A/N: Kat's bed is above here on the image above the title. If you have a different one in mind you can use that. The bedroom doesn't have to be like that but it's mainly just the bed.

*Kat's Pov*

I had literally just finished school when my phone rang. I saw it was Jay and knew he was going to ask me to go to the district. I'm alright with Bella but it's still a bit awkward. The things she said really cut deep and I think it might take a while before I'm back to my normal happy self around her.

"Hey, Jay. What's up?" I said into the phone.

"Can you come down to the district? We have a really busy case and I don't want you home alone at night." He said.

"Is Bella going to be there?"

"Probably. I thought you were cool with her."

"It's still a bit bumpy. Can I go to the hospital instead?"

"Will is going to be busy too."

"Let me add him to the call."

I added Will to the call and he quickly asked what was wrong. I told him and he said yes.

"Alright. Catch a bus and text me when you get there."

When I got to the hospital, there was a lot of blood in different places and a very packed waiting room. I looked around to see Will giving cpr to a patient before he had to call it. I then spotted Maggie who looked stressed and was desperately looking for nurses. I texted Jay to tell him I was safe and at the hospital before talking to Maggie.

"Hey, Mags. How can I help?" I asked and dumped my bag behind the desk.

"Thank god, you are here. Here, put these one." She said and handed me some gloves.

"Here are some gauzes, address the wounds. Here is some icepacks as well, if they are swollen anywhere, give them one but make sure you wrap it in a paper towel first."

"Got it."

I walked over to a little boy first who was clutching his teddy and was sat next to an older girl.

"We weren't in the crash, treat other people." Said the girl.

"Hey, I'm here to treat anyone who needs it. What's up?"

"He fell off his skateboard while our mom was at work so I brought him here. Our mom should be on the way."

"That's okay. I'm going to give you an icepack and give you a temporary sling." I said to the boy as I sorted him out.

"Thank you so much." Said the girl.

"That's okay. I'm Kat by the way. What's your names?"

"I'm Emily and this Peter."

"Emily, are you hurt?"


"Any chance you can take some of these gauzes in this tray and some icepacks and help people? If you watch carefully, I'll show you how to put a sling on someone."

"Yeah of course." She said and watched me attach a sling to Peter.

"Thanks, put these on." I said and handed her a pair of gloves.

When I was done, she gave me a thumbs up and went to help other people. I moved onto a woman who had a laceration down her arm. It wasn't particularly deep but it was long so I had to use a couple of gauzes as well as a bandage.

Everything was going smoothly until a man stood up from his seat and went to walk towards the ER doors.

"Sorry sir, you can't go through there." Said the receptionist but he ignored her.

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