I fell

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When I woke up in the morning, no one else was up. Well I assumed Kat wasn't up otherwise she would probably be looking around the apartment wondering where she was.

"Morning." Said Jay as he stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning. You ready for work today?"

"No." He groaned and walked towards Kat's bedroom.

I was waiting to hear the two saying morning to each other or Jay to walk out quickly after realising she was still asleep.

"Where's Kat?" He asked.

"Hilarious, Jay." I laughed.

"I'm not joking." He said.

I walked into the room to see Jay crouched by the bedside with a note in his hand.

"What's it say?"

"She said she had to get back home before Noah got back. If Andy showed up at the hospital and she wasn't there, then he would tell Noah and she would get in trouble."

"Does it say when she left?"

"No. Why would she say that?"

"I don't know."

"What tike did you wake up?"


"So, she must have been up before that."

"Yeah, hopefully not too early though because Chicago isn't that great in the early hours."

"I'd say it's worse at night."

"I'm the cop who has dealt with many things."

"And I'm a doctor who has dealt with a whole bunch of drunk fights and other things late at night."

"Oh whatever." Laughed Jay.

"I don't have a shift till later but Crockett messaged me and said that Bella is awake. I'll probably drive down to see her, I can drop you into work after the hospital, if you want?"

"Yeah sure. I'll ride with Antonio all day anyway."

"Okay. Let's go."

*Kat's Pov*

When I woke up, I knew where I was. I could remember Jay carrying me last night. I grabbed my phone and put my shoes on quickly as not to wake anyone up. I looked at the time seeing it was 2am and decided that it wouldn't be safe to walk home so I called a taxi.

After the taxi dropped me off, I paid him and then snuck into my house. The place was pitch black so I figured Noah was asleep upstairs or hadn't come home yet.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"You scared the shit out of me. Why would you sit in the dark?" I nervously laughed.

"I'm not going to ask again, where were you?"

"I was at the hospital and then I met up with a friend at the skatepark."


"I got kicked out of the hospital because visiting hours were up and a friend texted me and asked if I wanted to chill."

"What friend?"

"His name is Josh."

"Josh Reeds?"

"Yeah. You know him?"

"I know of him. There is a party tomorrow night, you are going."

"I'd rather not."

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