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*Kat's Pov*

The next morning, I woke up and fed Archie before getting dressed for school. I looked at the bruises on my body and then at my Sports kit. I'm going to need a note.

"Hey, dad. Can you write me a note for PE?"

"No. Don't be so lazy."

"I can't get dressed. I have bruises up my body."

"I'm busy."

"You caused this, you can write a note."

"Hey!" He shouted as he took a step towards me.

I took a step back as I tried to reach for something to defend myself with but it was no use. He grabbed my hair and threw me into the cabinets.

I rolled onto my back in pain as I tried to reach out for my phone to call Bella. Noah kicked my phone away and then went to leave.

"You better not be late or I will kill you." He said, slamming the front door.

I rolled onto my side and pulled my body across the floor and over to my phone. I sat up against the cupboards and called for a taxi and then texted Bella to walk to my house.

Archie came and sat beside me before there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I shouted.

Bella opened the door and went to run over but I stopped her.

"I'll get up in a bit. Can you pack my bag?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." She said as she packed my PE kit and then my lunch.

"I called a taxi to drop us in."

"What did you do?" Aaked Bella.

"I was an idiot."

"No you weren't. He didn't have to hit you, remember?"

"Let's just go." I said as we left the house and got in the taxi so we weren't late for school.

After homeroom, I had PE so I got Bella to write me a note. When I turned up, I had a supply because our teacher was still out on maternity leave.

I walked towards the teacher and held out my note.

"What's this?" She said.

"I can't do PE because I've hurt my knee. My dad wrote that note."

"Yeah. Yeah. A few other teachers have said about you. Go get changed."


"-No buts. Go get dressed."

Luckily, no one else was in the changing room so I could get changed in peace without anyone questioning me. When I was dressed, I walked out to find us doing cheer leading.

What the hell? What happened to Hockey?

"Oi! Knee injury go and stand in front of Stephanie." Said the teacher towards me.

"What? No. I'm a base."

"Yeah. I'm never a base. I'm always on top." Whined Stephanie.

"No one wants to know about your sex life, Stephanie." I shouted towards her.

"I'll drop you." She said.

"Please do." I begged.

As Stephanie grabbed my hips, she moved her hand up higher and hit one of my bruises. I winced in pain but carried on going. Some girl in our class, Amelia, kept watching me closely. So close that she forgot to catch her partner and she fell to the floor.

"Oh my! Someone call an ambulance."

When they were dealing with the girl taht was dropped, I jogged off of the field and went back to the changing rooms to get changed. I put back on my normal clothes and rushed out of the room as I bumped into Amelia. I gave her a strange look as she paused and watched me run out of the room.

God. What is her problem?

*Jay's Pov*

When I got into work, there was a young girl wearing a red skirt and a cheerleader top waiting in the breakroom.

"Who's that?" I asked towards Hank.

"Some girl has some information about that Katerina Gomez."

"What is she saying?"

"I think you should hear it for yourself." Said Hank as he called the girl out.

"Hi, I'm Amelia. I'm in Kat's PE class. She's tried a few times to get out of PE but this time it didn't work. I was in the changing room and I saw bruises all over her body. I know I shouldn't have taken a picture but here you go." She said as she handed us the pictures.

I felt sick to my stomach looking at all the bruises. Some were above her ribs and others were on her shoulders and up her arms.

"Thank you, Amelia. Please don't talk to anyone else about this." Said Hank.

"I won't. Please help her." Said Amelia as she left the bullpen.

I walked into the bathroom to take a breather as Antonio followed me.

"We'll help her." He said.

"I knew. I knew something wasn't right. Her and her friend Bella buy their own medical supplies." I said as I sat down on the bench.

"Do you know where she lives?"

"No but I'm going to take a small guess and say it was her house that was set on fire."

"You could technically arrest her for what happened with the spray paint." Suggested Antonio.

"Yeah. Let's go."

I want to help her in anyway I can but the girl hates me. I need to do a proper sit down talk with her and then, I still don't know if she will talk to me.

We walked into the school reception and explained who we were looking for. I had already called Will to ask if he could check out her bruises and check that she isn't in serious danger of medical attention.

We walk towards the Auditorium to hear them acting out a piece of drama.

"I don't want to interrupt them currently because they are possibly in an exam."

"Great." I said to Antonio.

We just stood there awkwardly and watched for a bit until the reception lady left and we took a seat.

They went to start but paused when Stephanie said something. She looked up and caught us sat in the audience.

"Sir, can we play truth or dare?" She asked.

"Yeah. I don't get paid enough for this shit." Said the teacher.

"Never have I ever spray painted Josh's property." She said.

We watched as Kat stood up and swapped places with Stephanie.

We started walking towards the stage to arrest Kat when she noticed us and ran.

We chased after her and through the backstage area into the hallway. Apparently it was break because she was pushing past kids to get away from us. She jumped over a stair railing as we ran down them. She went to turn the corner when she bumped into Hank. What was he doing here?

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