We can't do this

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*No One's Pov*

It had been a couple of days since The Unit had visited Kat. Bella was going home tomorrow but Kat had to stay a few more days because of the extent of her injuries.

It was late at night when Kat climbed out of bed and slowly took out her IV. She packed her bag with her charger, phone, purse and all her wash stuff before walking out of her room in joggers that she had changed into.

She walked into Bella's room and chucked clothes at her.

"Get dressed." She groaned as she collapsed onto the sofa.

"Why are you up and about?" Asked Bella.

"Get dressed and I'll tell you."

"Okay. I'm getting dressed. Now, spill."

"They are in custody. They are going to be charged with attempted murder as well as homicide for all the deaths done by their drugs and some other charges for the drugs. I'm not a cop so don't ask me about any other names of charges because I have no clue. We just need to drop into the basement of your house and mine, the money is all there."

"We can go to NYU. We have the money." Finished Bella.

"Yeah we can."

"This is a great plan but do you know how many things could go wrong."

"Yes. I have a list."

Bella just stared at Kat, waiting for her to read the list. Kat looked back to tell her not to worry but Bella was not moving until she heard it.

"Okay. Fine. Your stiches or mine could rip and we could bleed, a lot. Or I could have other injuries than what I thought I have and I could die. We could get to New York and DCFS could be waiting for us. We could go to get on the plane and CPD is there. How many more do you want?"

"That's fine. You've already stressed me out enough."

"Wait. We can't exactly walk out the doors." Said Bella.

"I know, Bella. I have a plan. There used to be an old pregnancy wing before the new one was built. There is a fire exit that leads round to the back of the hospital, we go out that door, we call a taxi and then we get the money from our houses."

"Okay. I know how to get to New York without using money."

"What? I'm not going to hide in luggage."

"What? No. Andy has his own private jet. We use that and I can get his handy man to give us a lift."

"Okay but on one condition."

"What condition?"

"Can we not call him handy man?"


"It just sounds weird."

"We were on a roll, Kat. We were talking fast through our plan and sounded like we were in an action movie. You've just gone and broke it."

"I'm sorry but what is his name?"


"Okay. We'll call him Leo from now on."

"Do we have to? I mean it's seems too formal."

"We need to leave. Okay? We'll figure it out later."

"Okay. I'll call him if you can grab the bags of money."

"You want me to get the money? The one who has had one day in hospital and has had two surgeries? The one who can barely walk and is putting up with the searing pain down her leg? That kind of you?"

"Yes. You. You'll be quicker than me plus he won't talk to you. He doesn't even know you."

"Fine. If I pass out from blood loss and die. I'm haunting you first."

"Fine by me. Let's go." Said Bella as they both laughed and walked or more like stumbled towards the old wing.

They slowly climbed down the steps and turned the corner.

"It's dark." Said Bella as Kat gripped onto a wall.

"Kat, we can't do this. Look at you."

"It's fine. I'm fine."

"Listen, we can go back."

"No, let's go." Said Kat as she let out a heavy breath.

They both stumbled out of the exit and turned to see a taxi pulling up. They waited for the person to climb out before they climbed in and Bella gave him the address.

"Are you okay, kid?" Asked the driver towards Kat.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said through a fake smile.

When they were dropped off, they asked the driver to stick around but he was hesitant.

"I'll give you $100." Said Bella.

"Fine but be quick." He said.

Kat snuck up the driveway and quickly ran towards her back gate. When she got inside the house, there was glass everywhere and her blood was smeared across the floor. She could hear two cops talking upstairs so she had to be quick. She snuck into the basement and put in the code to reveal wads of cash.

She scooped it all up and dumped it in the bag before heading towards the door again but had to stop herself to take a breather.

She looked down to see a blood spot on her top but just covered it before quickly heading up to her bathroom and grabbing a few gauzes. Luckily, the cops were no longer on her floor but the bad thing was, she had no clue where they were.

She heard voices coming up the stairs so her only escape was the window again. She looked down below to see the floor was empty so she slid down the roof and then jumped off the smaller roof before rolling to save her legs from breaking.

"What are you doing?" Asked Bella as she walked up to Kat.

"Did you call him?"


"Good. Go get the other bag."

"No. That was your task."

"Bella, I can barely breathe and I've torn a stitch. Please go and I'll wait in the car."

Bella sighed before taking the other bag - the empty bag - and walking towards her house.

A few minutes later, she came back with a full bag and dumped herself down in the taxi.

"You don't look too good, Kat."


"We can't do this, you're ill."

"Bella. I'm fine." Said Kat through gritted teeth as pain spread up her stomach.

"Where am I dropping you off?"

"The west Chicago Airport. It's a private one."

"The rich side." Sighed the driver.

Bella handed him $300 and he started driving.

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