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~Mentions of Self Harm~

*Jay's Pov*

We were trying to work a case but I kept getting distracted by seeing Kat and Bella talk. For a moment, I was happy that they were talking but then they looked like they were arguing.

"Jay! Focus." Shouted Hank.

"Sorry, Sarge."

"It isn't Thomas Wills. He has an alibi and five people have confirmed it. He was high at two in the morning so he doesn't remember but other people do and so do cameras."

"Great. Any other leads?" Asked Kevin.

"Currently no but our victim does have family in North Coralina. They arrived in Chicago two days ago."

I ignored Hank again and looked over to Bella and Kat. Kat looked like she was trying to keep the conversation calm and herself calm because she was clenching her fist.

"Jay? Are you listening?" Asked Hank again as he followed my gaze towards the two.

"Leave them, Jay." Said Antonio.

"Are you aware that they are in argument?" I asked.

"What? No they're not. They walked to school together today."

"No, Kat walked with Josh."

"Kat is lying."

"No she isn't."

"I'm pretty sure she is."

"No. She is not. They had a massive fall out and Bella said that Kat chose the wrong person."

"Yeah right. They are like sisters."

"Not at the moment they're not."

We all looked over to them as Kat stood up and walked over to Bella. They held eye contact for a few moments before Bella said something and I swear I could see Kat's eyes darken. She swung for Bella and hit her. She sent another swing to Bella's face and she dropped to the floor, holding her nose.

Hank ran into the breakroom and grabbed Kat. She tried to get out of his arms but it was no use. Hank pulled Kat into his office, locked the door and then stood by it so she couldn't leave.

Antonio ran into the breakroom and was looking at Bella's nose before moving her over to the sink.

I walked towards Hank's office and knocked on the door but he refused to open it.

"Hank. Open the door."

"Just let her calm down. Call Will or Ethan to check out Bella."

"Antonio can check her out. If it is broken, it won't stop bleeding and you will be able to see."

"Jay." Warned Hank.


I reached into my pocket to call Will but hesitated and looked towards Bella. Her nose was still bleeding and Antonio was struggling to make it stop.

Will. What's up?"

Did you really have to say your name? I literally called you from the contact that was in my phone.

Sorry, I didn't check who it was.

At least I know you care.

What's up?

Can you or another doctor come down to the 21st?


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