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~Mentions of suicide~

*Jay's Pov*

"You okay?" I asked.

Kat just glared at me and kept tapping her foot on the ground.

"You're right. Wrong question to ask."

"You know it was him! It wasn't a break in."

"Yes but without actual evidence, we can't charge him and the vendetta you have against him won't do anything."

"Vendetta? Wow, you detectives really have a way with words."

"Kat. That's not what I mean. A judge is going to see it as you don't like him and your words won't matter. Evidence is what matters."

"Then go and find the knife or when Bella wakes up, you ask her."

"We can't charge him with anything and I doubt Bella is going to talk."

"Why are you here?"

"To stay with you and make sure you don't do anything that will get you into trouble."

"Yeah well I don't want you here. Go and find the knife."


"No. Go away."

"Kat. Listen. Everyone is out looking for this knife."


"Yeah but you have a dirty Sargent that will take money to keep things quiet! He will take what ever cash Andy gives him to keep this quiet. That is all he cares about. Money!" Shouted Kat.

"Woah. Hang on a minute. How do you even know anything about him being dirty?"

"Because I can see it with my own eyes plus it's not that hard to search up a name on Google. He got Al killed because he is too big over his own head. Everyone has a breaking point. Hank had his son and Al had Hank. Al would do anything for Hank, he even got himself killed for Hank. And for what?"

"Watch your mouth." Said Hank as he made himself known.

"No, I'm sorry but why did Al go and get himself killed for you? Someone gives you money to rough up a lowlife, you go do it. You take it without a second thought. So why should I trust you to help Bella?"

"Because I want what is best for her."

"And what's that?"

"I want her to be safe."

"If you are so dirty, then you can make it look like it wasn't a break in. You can frame him for the murder even though you wouldn't actually be framing him because he did it."

"Yeah to me and anyone else, you look like you have a vendetta." Said Hank.

"Bella and I have been through hell and I can sure as hell tell you that this isn't the first time one of has nearly died."


"Yeah that's right. We've both nearly died before. Hell, we even made a pact to die. We sat in a bathroom with pills in one hand and the other, holding each other. Yeah, well, Bella didn't take enough. She saved me though. I told the doctors that if she wasn't alive, I didn't want to be either."

*2 years ago* *No One's Pov*

"You sure about this?" Asked Kat.

"Yeah." Said Bella as she laid out six pills in her hand and then eight in Kat's.

Kat was bigger then Bella on height and had more muscle than her, meaning that she would have to take more.

Kat pulled her body close to Bella's as they both sat against the wall. They looked at each other one last time before a tear rolled down their cheeks. They swallowed the pills, two at a time with bug gulps of water.

A few minutes had passed and Kat's body fell to the floor, whereas Bella began throwing back up the pills. She felt dizzy but knew she had to do something. Bella reached for her phone and called a cab as she pulled Kat onto her lap and tried feeling for a pulse.

When the cab arrived, Bella dragged Kat's body outside and into the cab.

"Uh. Is she okay?" Asked the driver.

"No. Drive to the hospital now. I'll pay you $200 if you get there in five minutes."

The driver got them there in exactly five minutes and even helped Bella carry Kat into the ER as cops ran at them but stopped when they realised the cab driver was helping them.

"Help!" Shouted Bella.

Three ER doctors ran out with a gurney and picked up Kat, laying her down on the bed.

Kat was rolled in, doctors surrounding her as they tried to get her breathing. Her body shook as liquid spewed from her mouth. The doctors carried on trying to calm her for around five minutes before she slowly opened her eyes and her body stopped shaking.

A light blinded her as the doctor shone it at her eyes. Kat moved his hand away and slowly sat up.

"You're going to be okay." Said the doctor.

"If she didn't make it, let me die. Please."

Faint sobs were heard from outside the room as Kat ran out of the room and into Bella's arms. Kat was weak so Bella held her up but they didn't care. Tears streamed down their faces and made a glistening pool of pain on each others shoulder.

"Don't ever leave me." Sobbed Bella.

"Never." Said Kat.

*The Present* *Jay's Pov*

"Please don't ever do that again." I said.

"We've realised that if we die, they win."

"Why didn't you talk to someone?" Asked Adam.

"Didn't want to bother anyone with my problems plus we moved away from Delaware and came to Chicago."

"Al did that once. Trudy told us that he got shot, he was bleeding a lot but didn't say anything." Said Kevin.

"Yeah. Well, that's me. That's my life." Said Kat.

"We're going to head off. We'll visit Bella in the morning when she is out of surgery."

"Find the son of a bitch who did this." Kat said towards Hank.

"I'll try."

She scoffed and shook her head as he left the room. These two were definitely not on speaking terms but hopefully that would change once we catch the actual person who did this.

"You should go to." She said, breaking the silence after everyone had left.

"No, I don't want to leave you."

"I've been alone almost all my life. This won't be any different. Plus, you've had a long day."

"I can drop you home if you want."

"No thanks, Kevin said my dad isn't even home. So, it's either sit here alone and listen to the faint hum of machines and small talk between people. Or sit in a silent room beside Archie, constantly worrying about Bella. At least here, I'm not the only one worrying about loved ones."

"Okay. Well, I'll see you tomorrow."

I didn't want to leave but I knew she wanted to be alone even if she was upset. I needed sleep and she needed space. I should've stayed but me being tired for work wouldn't be great.

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