Since he was standing so close to me, I could feel his body shaking by my side. His Wolf wanted out.

"She's mine. She's mine and all of you took her from me!" Nixon shouted, his voice resounding through the entire area.

"Nixon," I managed to breathe out through my lips.

"I'm taking you back home with me," he told me, closing the rest of the distance between us. Zander tightened his arm around me, and he took a step back.

"It's too late for that," he told Nixon.Nixon looked between Zander and me, and I could see the anger flash through his eyes.

"You didn't want me," I said, my voice soft and weak. I could hear it, but I couldn't do anything about it.

"You helped them kill my father," he said, but his words weren't an accusation anymore.

He sounded hurt, betrayed. While in my eyes Nixon was always perfection, I could see the small details that told me things weren't going great for him. His usual lively emerald green eyes, a shade of color much more brighter than Prestonís and mine, seemed dull.

They were dark, since his Wolf was out and upset. But in his eyes I saw all his pain. The area under his eyes was a purplish color, and he looked tired. There were bruises in his body, from a recent fight I could tell. 

Even with all that, he still looked the proper title of a King. I had been mesmerized with looking at him that I didn't hear the sound of Wolves approaching the area.

"Craven," Zander said, looking to the side where my dad was coming along with a few other Wolves. Preston wasn't with them.

"Don't kill him," I told Nixon.

My eyes were on my father's Wolf. He had stopped a distance away from us, but he seemed ready to attack. 

The Wolves from the kingdom, the ones that had come along with Nixon, started getting into position. When Zander tried getting me back in the car, Nixon tugged me out of his arms and somehow got me behind him.

"You've hurt her enough. I'm not letting you take her," Zander snarled at Nixon.

I wasn't even sure how it was that Zander had kept his Wolf away. His canines extracted, but he didn't shift. He kept fighting it off.

"Miranda belongs to me," Nixon told him.His eyes moved over to my father, and I could see all the hatred between the two.

"Don't do it," I pleaded, although at that point I wasn't sure who I was talking to.

Both of them seemed ready to kill each other.When my dad shifted back into his human form, I thought he was going to make an agreement. 

I didn't know whether Nixon would be willing to listen, but I was going to beg him to do it. I couldn't stand to see them fighting. But the words that my father spoke, they were enough to kill any of the little hope I had left in me.

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