Chapter 21

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Miranda Bonham

I heard mumbling coming from somewhere, but it was hard to distinguish the voices. Everything felt fuzzy. After opening my eyes, a small room came into view.

When I sat up from the couch I'd been lying in, I felt it.

I was in the air, more specifically- on a plane

"You're awake," Nixon said, walking into the small room.

"Where am I?" I asked, getting up from the couch. It'd been comfortable enough- probably with all the pillows and covers someone had put to make it a bed- but I was tired of lying down.

My throat was dry and my stomach felt empty.

"We're flying back home," he answered.

"What do mean by home?"

"I've captured Craven and Zander. For now, my business in the human world is done. I'll be back for the rest once Craven and Zander go to trial," Nixon casually replied.

He was standing next to the door blocking my way out. Even if I tried to get out of the small room, there was nowhere I could go.

"Then we're not going back home," I said, more to myself than him.

He looked at me with a curious expression, but remained quiet.

I needed to think of a way out of the whole mess I was in. I wasn't sure what I was up against, I was alone, and I was going to a place I didn't know. Right now, nothing was in my favor.

Nixon spent the rest of the ride to 'The Island' in the same room with me. Multiple times he'd offered me something to eat. I turned down his offers each time. 

I had been out of it since last night, so I hadn't eaten since then. He kept telling me that it was unhealthy not to eat. Just the thought of where I was headed to made my appetite go away.

It was almost six in the afternoon when I woke up, and neither of us could explain how I'd been knocked out for so long.

While I quietly sat on the couch, thinking of what to do- Nixon kept telling me things that I apparently needed to know.

It was almost amusing how he thought everything was fine between us. He said that I was a now princess. I had to behave like one. Other than that, whatever order I gave, had to be followed.

He'd gotten into his head that I would actually want to be his queen in a few months, which was when his father apparently was stepping down.

I mainly listened to him out of boredom. It was a long flight, and one weíd made with only one stop.

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