"Your behavior is disrespectful, Princess. You better than anyone else should know that I am not only your King, but I am superior to you as well."

A smile took over his lips, one that made a chill run down my spine.

"Of course," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"By now, I assumed Nixon would have discussed this with you. You should learn that women in this kingdom do not speak unless spoken to, and that includes royalty." With those final words, he walked away from me.

"Where are you taking me?" Nixon asked.

"Out," I replied, giving him a teasing smile.I had a hold of his hand, as I dragged him through the woods.

"Are you sure we should be out here right now? Your mother will be arriving very soon," he told me.

I stopped my hurried walk and turned to face him. He mustíve noticed the change in my expression, because his arms wrapped around me and he gave me that apologetic look I was getting from him ever since we woke up.

"I want us to be alone for a while," I softly whispered.

"Come on," he said, taking my hand. He led, although I hadnít told him exactly where I was planning on going.

"Are we shifting?" Nixon asked.

He was curiously looking around at the picnic blanket I had set up for both us.

"Not really. At least, not yet," I told him, pulling him down after I took a seat.

I had to fix my dress, which I was forced to wear even for the picnic.

Everything in the palace was a hectic but organized deal. Servants were running around, the king was handing out orders, and most of the Alphas were present. They were making preparations for my father and Zanderís trial and how things would be handled after.

I convinced Nixon to skip the meeting with the Alphas, where Preston and Clay were at, and dragged him to the woods. He agreed to come along without a fight. I knew he only did it because I had been acting strangely, although he didnít know the reason behind that.

"The Alphas just left," Preston told me through our mind link.

"Good," I replied, trying to hide from Nixon that I was talking to my brother.

Nixon was busy setting up the picnic basket that was waiting for us in the clearing.

"Keep Nixon distracted for two hours. Make him block any mind links he might have with anyone in the kingdom. Everyone's ready," Preston said.

"I'll keep him busy," I replied.

There was silence in his end, so I knew he had started to get the plan going. I still couldnít believe he was going through with it.

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