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Draco glares out the train window as it arrives to platform nine and three quarters.

The final months at Hogwarts went by in a flash. He passed his O.W.L exams with top marks, how could he not? With no friends all he had on his hands was time he used to study. Umbridge returned for only a hour after Dumbledore rescued her from the centaurs, all the students ignored him except for Mirabel and her primos who were grateful to him for telling Snape what they were doing. All the other students knew what happened to his father, where his father is now.

Draco's angry at his father for getting caught, his stupid crazy aunt was able to get away but he didn't. The coward probably got caught on purpose to avoid the Dark Lords wrath. The coward left it to his mother and himself to deal with the fall out.

Draco could see the cameras on the platform. A small part of him wishes they were here for Potter and Mirabel, but no. They had gotten all the photos they wanted from the two, they were here for him.

"Draco?" Draco turns seeing Mirabel next to him in the otherwise empty cart. No one wanted to be near him right now. She pitied him, well he didn't need her pity!

"Leave me alone Mirabel," Draco pushes her off grabbing his bag and moving to get off the train when she grabbed his wrist.

"Promise you'll write? Please Draco if you feel like your in danger please just write to me and I'll bring you to the Encanto it's safe there," No it wasn't. She was foolish to think anywhere was safe from the Dark Lord.

Her grip was strong though so he said. "Fine, now let go of my arm," he demands.

After a moment she does so. "See you next year," she said and Draco pauses. He wants to turn around, beg her to take him to the Encanto, she already offered before they got on the train. But no, he can't, he can't leave his mother.

"See you next year," he said and left.

He manages to sneak off the platform without running into the photographers, stupid brainless hounds.

I met my mother who took my arm and took my arm. The next moment we were in front of Malfoy manner. It has been the home of the Malfoy family for the past thirty generations of pure bloods, full of historic artifacts and magic able to host a entire court comfortably if need be, the property alone was larger than Hogwarts.

Mother turns to me and kisses my forehead looking me over. "Draco are you alright?" She asks. I nodded. "I'm fine mother," I answered. "And the Madrigal girl? Your still close to her are you not?" That's what Mother cares about most? Suppose she's still trying to find a way to salvage the Malfoy name in the publics eye.

"Yes I'm still close to her," Draco responds.

His mother nods and took him in the gates opening for them. "We have some guests Draco, best behaviour," Must be reporters wanting to get their story.

Draco internally groans as his mother shoved his bag at some elves and he was taken to the dining all.

Internally he gets ready to put on a cheerful look and make it out like he and his mother had no idea or that his father was framed by Potter.

When he entered though he nearly stopped in his tracks. Next to the chair where his father would sit his aunt Bellatrix leans on it with a grin while in his father's chair sat Lord Voldemort himself.

"My lord," his mother bows and quickly Draco follows her lead his heart pounding.

This is a dream! This cannot be happening this is a dream, wake up Draco your still on the train.

"Rise boy," Draco gulps and slowly he rose proud to say he kept his shaking from controlling him. Scraping back the chair Voldemort stood up and walked down it. The time it took him to reach Draco felt like years when it was minutes, his snake was next to him slithering down the polished floor boards.

Voldemort reached him and looks him up and down. "You are close to the carnation correct?" He starts circling Draco who glances at his mother staring at the floor leaving him alone. "Correct?" Draco nodded. "Use your words boy," the snake slithers against his leg and Draco jumps, but stutters out. "Yes my lord," he said.

"Good," Voldemort said and then stood in front of Draco again as his aunt said. "The lord has given you a great honour Draco," she said cackling.

"A honour?" Draco echoes confused and terrified. Why didn't he just go with Mirabel? Why did he have to be so stubborn?

"Yes, to make up for your father's failure," so this was his father's fault? Of course it was. Whatever this honour is Draco just hopes he doesn't need to hurt Mirabel.

"Yes I have a mission for you, but first," He turns back to Draco. "Hold your forearm out my boy, it's time you join the ranks of the powerful,"

(Short but horrifying, and now I am going on hiatus for a little longer than last time bye 👋)

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