Dobby's Old Friend

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"Harry! Harry! Harry!"

Luna comes running up to Harry early April just after the twins birthday.

"What's wrong Luna?" Instantly terrible thoughts swam in Harry's head until Luna placed down a copy of the Quibbler. Camilo, still posing as Mirabel, looks at it and nearly spat out his food. Harry was just as shocked until a small grin appeared on his face.

"Luna, your father is bloody amazing," he grins.

Front page was a picture of Mirabel and the headline being.

Mythical Being is given courage to speak

After last months addition of The Quibbler Mythical being Mirabel Madrigal has given us the honour to publish a interview with her after being inspired by her dear friends previous article.

"I want to everyone to know how much danger these people are posing and no one is safe," quotes Mirabel as she told of her harrowing experiences.

"During the Tri-Wizard tournament I was kidnapped and tortured by Moldy-Wart. The only reason I am still alive and functioning is because I managed to escape while he was still weak, but this came from luck and skill, not everyone will be as lucky as me. It is only thanks to the hard work of my professors teaching me the magic I needed that I was able to escape.  It did not stop there though as later during the summer months away from school I was attacked by the ten convicts that have recently escaped Azkaban and they attempted to kill my entire Familia from my parents to my cousins, the youngest of which had only just turned five when this attack happened. When telling Fudge he did not believe me and dismissed me. This inaction gave the Death Eaters there chance at attacking the ministry," She explains.

When asked about anything else Fudge dismissed she answered to this. "When me and Harry Potter further tried to warn him he grew paranoid and decided we were against him. He went on a rant saying we were just children. Well while we may be young, we understand the consequences evil can leave behind and we do not want that to happen to anyone else. Sadly though Fudge has taken his paranoia out on the Hogwarts school," when asked what she meant she said this.

"The education at Hogwarts that I received for the first four years was amazing, but recently this year that has changed," The Carnation herself told us gravely. "Fudge appointed Delores Jane Umbridge as our newest Defence Against The Dark Arts professor and she was also promoted to high inquisitor giving her nearly as much power as the headmaster. From day one she has been abusing this power, and has been limiting our education when we need it most. While Dark wizards are on a rampage Fudge has ordered her to not even let us practice our magic at all and she reads our letters too. So if anyone tries sending letters back home she attacks our owls. This year not a single Hogwarts student has practiced a single defensive spell under her supervision. Any student that attempts to do so outside of class is made to cut themselves with these self harming quills as punishment in detention until she says so and none of the teachers are able to help because then they would make it worse. We are not even allowed to go to Madam Pomfry for medical attention.

I have witnessed her take pride in watching children cry and I dare say Umbridge is more soulless then The Dark Lord ever was and quite frankly I hate her more than him. She's uglier than him too. Fudge says Hogwarts education has been falling, but that only started when he decided putting a toad in charge was a smart idea,"

"Ever since I arrived at Hogwarts it has been my second home and I hate seeing what the ministry is doing to it and putting students in harms way over paranoia. I hope soon that everyone gets their heads out of their butts and just realize that we are not attention seeking lying children. The wizarding community have suffered enough and our only wish is to make sure no one has to follow in our footsteps,"

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