Defence Against Danger

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The first morning of the week they were all pressured right away into thinking about their futures after school with the upcoming O.W.L exams. They were also given a lot of homework straight off the bat.

Mirabel didn't mind it, she completed it during her lunch hour or during potions when she finished her brew early.

Though she found she still had very little time on her hands because with the owl exams coming up and her reputation as a free tutor a surge of students came up to her begging for help. Mirabel helped them off course, why would she say no?

She kept a checklist of her schedule for who she would tutor and when on her at all times so she would know who was with who.

Finally at the end of the week she was given her first DADA lesson with the delightful professor Umbridge. The woman honestly made Mirabel feel sick just looking at her. She combined the worse qualities of two family members. The former Princessa perfecta Isabela with her need for perfection and obsession with wearing pink, and her Prima's namesake with getting in everybody's business, she even has that annoying squeak.

Umbridge walked into the classroom at the start of the lesson and flips her wand. Mirabel had to suppress a laugh because she had never seen a uglier wand. It was dark oak, had bumps of varying sizes with a pink one right in the middle of it, thick, and it was short, like really short, like if Mirabel put it against her head to compare the size you'd easily see her head was bigger than that wand.

Umbridge flicks it at the board and says. "Ordinary, Wizarding, Level, examinations. O.W.L! More commonly known as Owls." She explains writing down what she was saying. "most of you may pass these difficult tasks with high marks if you study properly. Fail though and the consequences will be severe," Umbridge warns in a cheery tone and turns around. "Now open your books," she instructs.

She reminds Mirabel of a more annoying version of Princessa Isabela.

She paces up and down the desks as the students skimmed through them. "Your previous teachings have been largely uneven to say the least. Now that I'm here though you will all finally have a proper education," she explains.

Mirabel had already read the book and found it was not up to her standards. All of it was theatrical there weren't any actual spells in the book. Hermione puts her hand up and Umbridge turns to her. "Yes Ms?" She asks. "Hermione Granger Professor," Hermione said. Something flashes in Umbridge's eyes like disgust, but it was gone in a flash. "Go on," she said. "Why isn't there anything about using spells?" Hermione asks what Mirabel had been thinking just a moment ago.

Umbridge looks like she's amused. "Using spells? Haha! Why I can't imagine why you'd be using spells in my classroom," Umbridge said condescendingly. "Because this is why we're at school? To learn how to use spells," Mirabel said confused. Umbridge turns to Mirabel with the most strained smile she had ever seen. "Of course someone of your standing would expect that," Mirabel looks surprised and confused by the comment. Her standing? What is that supposed to mean?

"So we aren't using spells?" Ron asks and Umbridge snaps. "Students will only speak when their hands are raised mr," She said. "Weasley," a much brighter smile forms on Umbridge's face. "Well why would we need to use spells? I know in the past you've had some unconventional and unqualified teachers," the deranged lunatic was better qualified than you "but I assure you that the ministry approves of these teachings," Umbridge said.

Mirabel raises her arm and Umbridge allows her to ask the questions. "I don't mean to sound rude when I ask this, but what exactly do you mean by these teachings?" Mirabel asks. "What I mean is the fact that you do not need to do magic at all to learn it. If it was up to me you wouldn't be using magic in any of your classes at all. There simply isn't a need for it," Umbridge explains.

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