Public Knowledge

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Harry cannot believe how quickly the teachers found out about Camilo and Mirabel playing a switch aroo.

After Bruno found out he had taken Camilo straight to Dumbledore who had gotten a letter from a order member about Mirabel being spotted in the ministry while Mcgonagall was insisting she had Mirabel in class at that time.

After that the teachers brought Hermione, Ron, and, Harry in for strict words and questioning.

"How could you all be so reckless!?" Mcgonagall shrieks at them. "We had no choice in this!" Hermione exclaims. "Yeah it was all their plan!" Ron defends. "And you went along with it!" Mcgonagall states. "Camilo how could you be so irresponsible! Why didn't you talk her out of this?" Bruno exclaims in frustration pacing behind the four. "Because it seemed fun," Camilo defends weakly.

"Fun?" Dumbledore sounded angry, really, really, angry. "Sir," Harry began. "None of you understand what you have put at risk! We have order members dealing with the situations, if Mirabel gets caught outside of school, using magic, you being caught, or Merlin forbidden her door everything could be lost!"

He sounded furious as he spoke to them.

"We are the adults and we will deal with this," Harry could not help feeling anger pool into his stomach. "Well your not doing a very good job," everyone looks at him.

"Everything is a mess, and all your doing is just watching your not doing anything!" He looks up meeting Dumbledore's gaze. "No one even knows about the escaped convicts! And we've been hearing all this talk about a weapon and we don't even know what it is! People are getting hurt in this fight and your doing nothing! If we let you do everything no one would be prepared for the war!" Harry shouts standing up.

"There is no war!" Mcgonagall exclaims at him in a shrill voice. "But there's going to be one and we need to be prepared! Instead your letting the ministry walk all over you!" Harry states.

"We are using the methods we used last time and they are," Dumbledore began. "If those methods actually worked my parents and aunt would be alive and Mirabel wouldn't be a child soldier doing what everyone is too cowardly to do!"

Everyone is silent looking at Harry. "I don't want her out there either, but maybe if people actually started doing their jobs, if people would just listen to us for once, or tell us what's going on, then maybe Voldemort wouldn't be here," Harry stated.

He sat down and crosses his arms his rage still festering.

Everyone is silent before Dumbledore sighs a sigh that showed his age. "Do you know where she is or what she's planning?" He asks.

"She said she'd be back in a week or two," Camilo answers quietly. "And how did you think you could hide this from Pepa for two weeks?" Bruno asks frustrated. "I said I was going on a camping trip," Camilo answers. Mcgonagall sat in a chair and rubs her temples.

"That girl, she's gonna send me to a early grave," she mutters.

"What are we going to do now?" Bruno asks. Everyone looks at him. "I mean we aren't just gonna let this continue are we?" He asks.

Dumbledore and Mcgonagall exchanged a glance. Mcgonagall sided with Bruno, but Dumbledore. "We're going to have too," he said.

"What!?" Both the adults screamed at him. "We cannot let anything happen! Let anyone know what's wrong, and with that door of hers we'll never be able to find her in time before she just disappears again. Until she appears at Hogwarts again we're going to have to pretend everything is fine," Dumbledore said.

The four of them exchanged looks. "But for all this trouble you four will have detention, your parents will be informed, and no more Hogsmeads weekends," Camilo and Ron seemed only scared of the parents part, while Hermione looked ready to start crying.

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