Never Mess With A Madrigal... Ever

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Mirabel had been made to visit Umbridge quite a few times over the rest of the week. The girl found it annoying as it cut into her tutoring time a lot. Umbridge had actually asked her if she could create a new outfit for her as apparently Mirabel's skills as a steamstress were very well known among even the ministry. Apparently some of Mirabel's student clients had given her products away as gifts and they had become fashion statements.

Mirabel politely refused though explaining she didn't do them for professors because she did not want it to look like bribery or getting special treatment. Umbridge looked disappointed and said she'd find a way to change her mind.

Harry had been attending detentions with Umbridge while Ron had decided to try out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team as Keeper. He didn't actually tell her this Mirabel had just caught him practicing on the pitch by himself and he fessed you feeling embarrassed about it. Mirabel of course encouraged him to continue doing it.

He had been skeptic, but Mirabel encouraged him to go for it. And that's how they ended up on the quidditch pitch late after school for quidditch team tryouts. Not a lot of people had turned up as the only available spot on the team was keeper and depending who you asked that position did not get a lot of attention or glory.

"Alright everyone! We only have room for one keeper so you better give it your all! And ignore anyone in the stands alright?" Angelina explains but all of the people who came to try out looked into the stands where Slytherin were making jabs at the team. "Don't you all have something better to do?" Alicia calls up to them.

"Ignore them," The team captain orders them. Anyway to make a long story short Ron got on the team, but it was only because of his brothers reputations as being star quidditch players in their days.

The common rooms were celebrating and Mirabel got to be the one to tell Harry the good news when he got back from detention with Umbridge. Mirabel excitedly jumped on him and hugged him tightly. "Can you believe it!? I can!" She cheers and grabbed his hand pulling Harry over to where the party was.

The partied nearly all night, but Harry seemed distant during it. Obviously Mirabel walked up to him and sat down. "You okay Harry?" She asks.

Harry nodded and said. "Yeah I'm fine just tired," Harry said with a shrug. Mirabel crosses her arms and looks Harry up and down.

She saw him hide his hand so naturally she grabbed it and looks at it and found a horrifying sight. Her Primo's hand was covered in cuts that spelled the words. "I must not tell lies," she whispers in horror looking at him as he pulls the hand back. "Did you get that in detention? Did Umbridge do that to you?" Mirabel asks.

"It's nothing," Harry insists. "That is not nothing!" Mirabel whisper hisses. "Well I say it is! Besides some of Julieta's food and I'll be good to go," Harry insists. "

"Harry! That's wrong! You need to tell someone!" Mirabel insists to him. "I can't! If I do Delores will hear about it and they'll take us out of school. I can deal with it on my own good night," Harry said and left slamming the door to the boys dorms.

Mirabel watches this and she lets out a annoyed huff.  She is not letting this slide.

A week passed and Mirabel did not mention it to Harry, but you could see she was still angry about it. She also ranted about it to a lot of people and it was causing a stir among the students. Even Draco was appalled upon hearing what Umbridge was doing to students in detention. A lot of them said she should have a taste of her own medicine. Then on Monday morning first lesson DADA there was a screech of pain.

All heads looked up from their books and saw Umbridge clutching her bleeding arm. It was bleeding, like badly, like really really badly. She rushes out screeching and the class is confused looking at each other. Being the only one brave enough to get up Harry went to her desk and his jaw dropped. Umbridge had been writing a report using the black quill she uses on him.

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