The Prophecy

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Mirabel frowns as the read the latest addition of the Quibbler. While she was proud of Harry for doing the interview, and Luna for publishing it for him, she doesn't like how he named Draco's dad as one of the death eaters. Yeah it's true of course, but Mirabel would rather keep Draco from being ridiculed. He shouldn't be bullied for his parents choices.

Putting the edition away Mirabel puts on her invisibility cloak.

She needs to do one more little thing while she's out of school with Camilo covering for her. She needs to find this weapon Voldemort is trying so hard to get his hands on. Mirabel has theories of what it could possibly be, but nothing that helped point her to what it was.

She had some theories on what it could be, like ancient magic, rare magic, information he could weaponize, a nose? All of these very likely.

But with all they're doing to keep it out of his slimy hands no one has told the children what it even is.

Something that had accrued to Mirabel was that it clearly was not something inside of Hogwarts and this confused her. With the philosopher's stone Dumbledore had it brought and protected in Hogwarts, and the only reason Voldemort got to it as close as he did was because of Quirl. While Umbridge is definitely cold, heartless, and sadistic, she's definitely not in league with Voldemort, not unless he has outright political power similar to Fudge.

So that begs the question. Wherever or whatever this weapon was, why wasn't it in Hogwarts?

Mirabel assumes they had just happened to find some place safer. A place she herself wanted to check out on because if her current information was correct then the order members knew what it was, where it was, and Voldemort also knew the same information. So why? Why hasn't it been moved if Voldemort knows where it is?

So Mirabel decided to take a bet on her safest option. She's going to confront a Order member.

It needs to be someone who won't snitch on her, someone in her debt, someone who trusts her and Harry, someone who knows what she wants to know.

"I will admit I was surprised to see you show up here," Sirius mentions as he made himself a tea in the kitchen of Grimmald.

"Look Senor Sirius, I know your a dedicated and loyal member of the order, but I got questions and either you answer them or else I'm going to probably get killed looking for them," Mirabel said.

Sirius stirs the cup with his wand before he takes a sip and thinks. "You know I should call up Dumbledore and tell him your here," he said. "Or you can tell me what's going on? What's this thing Moldy didn't have before? Is it a nose?" Mirabel asks. Sirius can't help laughing at that.

"Ah you have James sense of humour. No it's something else, something that's very unique, but also dangerous," Sirius explains.

"Well what is it?" Mirabel asks. "First lets sit down. It's nice having company other then Kreacher," Sirius pulls up a chair and Mirabel does so too so they both sat down.

"So what is this weapon?" Mirabel asks. Sirius takes a moment before he answers. "Well it's not actually a weapon you see," he explains. Now Mirabel is confused. "What do you mean it's not a weapon?" She asks.

"It's actually a prophecy we've been protecting," Mirabel is familiar with prophecies, her papi tells them.

"A prophecy? Why hasn't anyone just told us that!" Mirabel exclaims. "Because Dumbledore didn't want you kids knowing or getting concerned over it. Personally I always thought you should know which is why I'm telling you now. It was spoken a long time ago during you know who's height of power in the first wizarding war," Sirius explains.

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