New Job

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(Double update because of the delay thanks for being patient)

As promised Bruno came to Hogwarts bright and early Monday morning. Mcgonagall and Dumbledore had shown him around and given him a map in case he got lost. Bruno was also supposed to follow check in with the family thing so the family didn't worry about him. Pepa and Julieta cried at their brother going away again so soon and Abuela made sure Bruno had packed well.

For now Bruno also did not want anyone to know Mirabel was related to him. In his words it was so he got the honest experience from the students. With this information Harry wishes he had bet less than a week. The Madrigal grandkids all had a bet on how long Bruno would last. Harry gave it a week, Camilo betted two weeks, Isabela did a month and a half, Delores is still deciding her amount, and finally Luisa and Antonio are betting he lasts till the end of the year, though Antonio doesn't know they're betting actual money in it. Mira did not even bother with the bet she was too worried for her Papi's first day.

And as students whispered about the new divination teacher during breakfast Harry had to give her a point. Some of the rumours were pretty crazy, but considering all of them have had Trewlany for a experience what else could they expect?

"I bet whoever they are they're gonna be a fraud, or at the very most they won't be better than Trewlany," Lavander was loudly proclaiming at breakfast. "I bet whoever they are couldn't predict the weather even if it was hailing," Patil adds. Harry glances at Mirabel who was stress embroidering a beautiful purse of flowers, bees, lizards, and of course butterflies. Honestly Harry's noticed Mirabel seems to make pretty good stuff when she's stressed and considering the detailing on the purse she must be freaking out.

"And done! Here you go Pansy hope your Mum likes her birthday gift," Mirabel said handing it over to Pansy Parkinson who grins happily. "Thanks Mira your the best!" She says and walks off with the purse. "Honestly I still don't know where you get all that thread from," Ron comments. Mirabel held up her spool. "Birthday gift from Mcgonagall, endless thread and changes to the exact colours, texture, or material, I want or need every time I cut it," Mirabel explains proudly.

"When do you think you know is gonna get here? Breakfast is nearly over," Hermione comments checking her watch. Of course Harry and Mirabel had told everyone who's met Bruno about him coming to be the new divinations teacher. Hermione was not surprised and commented on having a decent teacher, Ron just hopes Bruno doesn't know what a essay is. "He's probably hyping himself up to actually walk through those doors," Mirabel comments.

Harry glances at the doors only to see that they were opened a slight nudge and Bruno peaked his head through. He puts his hood over his head and suddenly stands up taller. Mirabel saw this and groans. "Oh no," she groans. "What's wrong?" Hermione asks. "Abuela warned me about this. When Tio Bruno gets scared he turns into Hernando," Mirabel groans.

Bruno, or Hernando, threw salt behind him then stands with a straight back as he walks into the great hall down the middle of the tables. It only took ten seconds for the hall to go quiet as they watched him walk up to the teachers table. Dumbledore stood up and greeted Bruno with a bright smile when he reached them and they exchange some words before Dumbledore turns to the students.

"Students! I am proud to introduce you to Professor Bruno who shall be teaching divinations for now," Dumbledore explains. Bruno faces the students, but his hood was so far over his face it was shrouded in darkness so no one could get a good look at him. He gives a small wave, bangs his knuckles against his head, and threw more salt before he walks up to the table. He looks at the seat for him then up and down the table before he picks up his plate and stood against the wall eating his breakfast standing. "What's be doing?" Ron asks. Mirabel counts the seats and groans. "There are twelve people at the table already. If you add a thirteenth then the first one to get up will die," She explains.

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