Faculty Change

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It was odd when on a Saturday morning Dumbledore called Mirabel up to his office again. Her friends were confused by this and Harry even looked downright annoyed as she left them at lunch. This time instead of finding tea she saw Dumbledore petting Fawkes fondly.

"You wanted to see me sir?" Mirabel asks. Dumbledore turns to her and smiles. "Aw yes I just wanted to show you something," he said and gestures for her to come closer. She does so and he gestures to Fawkes. While she has rarely been near the bird Mirabel was finding this whole thing very strange. "Go on, pet him, I know how much you love Phoenix's Mirabel, thought you'd like to learn more about them from someone experienced," Dumbledore explains.

Mirabel raises a eyebrow, but she does not interrupt him as he began explaining everything about a Phoenix. Towards the end Mirabel had zoned out when a question occurred to her. It was a odd one, but Dumbledore is a powerful and progressive Wizard so he would have some insight on it.

"Sir?" She asks. Dumbledore pauses and smiles saying. "Please call me Albus," he said. That sounded odd to her, but she shook it off. "Albus, I was just wondering, what do you think of non-magical hobbies?" She asks. Dumbledore seems confused about this. "What type of non-magical hobbies?" He questions. "Yeah like being a seamstress," Mirabel further explains.

His eyes lit up and said. "Oh that, yes yes you have quite the talent there. I still have those socks you gave me in your first year," Dumbledore said happily. In Mirabel's opinion those socks were some less than stellar work of hers. "Why do you ask? Any talent, even non magical talent, should be nurtured and explored. Such as Hagrid's talent with creatures, its not magical, but it is a talent. He just happens to work with magical beasts," Dumbledore explains with a small hearty laugh.

"Well it's just, Umbridge said it was stupid because I'm a witch and," Mirabel was explaining. "Now dear," Dumbledore cut her off. "You've been given a second chance at life after what appeared within you last summer. It is your life and you should do what you want with it whether that be trying to brew a potion, or simply make very fine clothing articles. Never let others push you down," Dumbledore said putting a hand on her shoulder smiling brightly. Mirabel smiles at his words. "Thanks sir-I mean Albus," Mirabel said.

Dumbledore smiles and says. "Of course, you are remarkably like my little sister you know?" He comments and Mirabel tips her head. "What do you mean?" She asks. "Why she had trouble with magic too, oh but her smile was as bright as the sun. She loved humming these little songs and when she got upset she would embroider as well. Always worked to calm her," He explains smiling brightly. Mirabel can't help the little frown on her face due to this sad look in his eyes. "What happened to her?" His smile fades and he says. "You should get back to class dear," he said.

It was a Saturday, but Mirabel nodded getting up to leave. "It was nice talking Albus," Mirabel said opening the door. "Yes it was good talking Ariana," he said. Mirabel pauses confused before she shook it off and closes the door behind her.

As she goes down the steps a question plagues her mind. Who's Ariana?

Time Skip

It had been a normal breakfast morning in the great hall and Mirabel had mostly forgotten about her interaction with Dumbledore when the students heard it.

"How dare you!" It was Mcgonagall and she sounded mad. The children all left their places and found Mcgonagall arguing with Umbridge who looked annoyed at being yells at.

"I was performing my duty as high inquisitor," Umbridge said. "No! You were putting your ugly nose in a place it does not belong and what's worse is what you said to my student!" Mcgonagall exclaims. "Well her passion to be a simple steamstress is the most ridiculous and idiotic thing I have ever heard," Umbridge explains. Mirabel shrivels hearing that.

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