A Giant Problem

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"Okay the weirdest just happened," Mirabel said walking up to her friends in the common rooms. "What's the weirdest thing?" Hermione asks.

Mirabel held up a letter that looked a little wrinkled. "Fuego was holding this when she landed on my arm. For some reason her wing got clipped," Mirabel explains. "What? Is she okay?" Hermione asks. "Yeah I gave her some of Mama's food and she's resting now," Mirabel answers sitting down on one of the plush chairs.

"Who on earth would approach a bloody Phoenix?" Ron asks. "Didn't you try to steal a feather from Fuego once?" Harry asks. "Some lessons are learned the hard way, and you get the point. Who or what would go after a Phoenix?" Ron asks. "You don't think it was the same person who attacked Hedwig do you?" Mirabel worries

Hedwig had recently shown up in magical history with a clipped wing. Harry took her to Mirabel who used some of her mama's food to heal the poor owl. There was a note attached to Hedwig's leg and it was from Sirius signed as Snuffle's. Mirabel didn't get a chance to look at it, but Harry told her that Sirius wanted to meet up.

Mirabel advised strongly against it, but in the end they convinced her to use her door to travel to Grimmald place where Sirius was stationed. Dumbledore had ordered Sirius to stay low and out of the public so the man had been itching for some company anyway.

Mirabel didn't come with them simply because she wanted to cover for them. Nothing much came out of the talk, all they really learned was that Umbridge was even more of a perra than they originally thought. Apparently she even tried to start a protest against giving werewolves free healthcare for their conditions and tried to get Mirabel's cure discredited. Luckily for the werewolves hoping to be cured Lupin had swiftly gone against that so nothing came of it and werewolves were still receiving her cure.

"Could have been," Harry said and Hermione asks. "What's in the letter?" She asks.

Opening it Mirabel furrows her eyebrows. "It's addressed to someone called Amore travieso," she said confused. "Translation?" Ron asks. "Mischievous Love," Mirabel translates than looks at the letter. "Hmm looks like it's a love letter," she grins.

"Really? What does it say?" Harry asks. "We should not be reading someone's private love letters," Hermione insists. "They used my Phoenix to send them," Mirabel argues and reads the letter.

"Hmm it says looking forward to seeing you again," "that's it?" "Yeah pretty much," Mirabel agrees throwing the letter away.

"Your not gonna see who it's for?" Harry asks. "It's a love letter they're harmless," Mirabel dismisses rather uninterested in the contents.

Hermione hums approvingly when she looks out the window and sat up. "Everyone look!" She points out the window to the snowy landscape to reveal Hagrid's hut lit aglow meaning.

"Hagrid's back!" Grabbing their coats the quartet rushed down the stairs and outside. Tracking through the snow they knocked on the hut door. After a moment Hagrid opens it and before he even let out a word Mirabel jumps up and hugs Hagrid tightly. "Hagrid! I missed you!" She exclaims. "We all did," Harry said joining the hug.

Hagrid let's out a hearty laugh and hugs them back. "Now come on your four, hurry in it's cold," he said and they all hurried inside from the cold and into the warm hut. "Hagrid what happened to your face?" It was then that they took notice of Hagrid's condition like Hermione had. He was holding some unknown meat to his face and had a plethora of cuts and bruises on his face.

"Thank mama I brought her cooking as a welcome back present," Mirabel comments holding out her mother's food for Hagrid. "Save it for yourself lassie you don't," He began when Mirabel stuffs the food in Hagrid's mouth. "Swallow," she demands. Hagrid shook his head, but then all of them glare at him and finally he swallowed with his cuts and bruises healing up. He sighs in relief putting down the meat.

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