Secret Meeting In Hogsmead

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Hermione was the one to suggest it and the others agreed to it. She suggested that they gather members for their secret meeting in a Old Hogs-head pub that anyone rarely goes too.

Harry was still pretty on the fence about starting the secret club, but the girls assured him it would be okay.

"Okay well who are we even going to invite?" Harry asks. "Anyone we can obviously," Hermione said. "But we need to be careful. We shouldn't pick anyone who's too much of a goody too shoes. If they rat us out who knows what the ministry would do to Harry," Mirabel points out. "What about you? Won't they assume the same from you?" Harry asks. "Oh please, I got enough prima donnas in my village that I know some crocodile tears for the cameras would get me some breathway, boys on the other hand," she grimaces. "Doesn't work as well," Hermione crosses her arms. "Mirabel that's sexist," "it's true though," Mirabel points out and Hermione concedes.

"Why do girls have it so easy?" Ron complains and Harry quickly steps away as the two witches turned to him with deadly glares. "Ron, rethink your words right now or I'll give you a long lecture," Mirabel said. "And I'll call your mother," Hermione adds. Ron gulps and quickly apologizes.

"Anyway I'm sure no one would go to Umbridge..... well maybe those Slytherin scum would love too," Ron began to think. "The point is just leave it to us okay? We'll organize it and everything and Harry you just need to be ready to talk to them," Mirabel explains. Harry nodded. "You promised to help lead this remember?" Harry asks. "Pretty sure you won't need it. Now you and Ron go do your homework while me and Hermione initiate a rebellion," Mirabel said with a almost wicked grin.

"You seem too happy about this," Ron said. "I have Camilo for a cousin and I hang around your brothers. They rubbed off on me," Mirabel defends.

So while the boys did their homework Hermione and Mirabel went around the school and talking to students. Most of them we're pretty unsure about it, but the girls were persuasive and was able to talk them into it.

Sooner than he liked the day arrived to go into Hogsmead. "I changed my mind Mirabel can't you," Harry began begging her. "No! Harry come on you saw Bruno's vision it's gonna be fine," Mirabel promises him. "Do you even know who's coming?" Harry asks. "The twins, some of their friends, a group of Ravenclaws, Neville, a few Hufflepuffs," Hermione lists. "Most of my tutoring students," Mirabel adds to the list.

Harry was getting more and more nervous. Despite the snow that was falling he was sweating bullets as the four arrived at Hog's Head. Entering Harry saw it was old, run down, the glasses had more dust than liquid in them, there were only a couple of people already there, and the keeper, a old wizard, didn't even glance at them as they entered.

Mirabel walks up to him and asks kindly. "Excuse me Senor, I know this is late notice, but can we hold a meeting in this pub within the hour. I promise we'll compensate you," she said. The man looks at her and said. "Whatever," he shrugs indifferent.

Smiling Mirabel turns to the trio and gave them a thumbs up. Ron walks over and then asks experimentally. "Can I have a fire," "Ron you are a prefect!" Hermione hisses. "Well I'm not," Mirabel grins and Hermione grabs her collar pulling her back from the counter with a unimpressed expression. "You need to set a example," Hermione said. "I'll do it the way my Tia and sister Isa does it. By doing it and demonstrating to everyone how much can go wrong," Mirabel explains and Hermione face palms.

Harry gives a shaky smile at the interaction hoping his nerves would calm. Sooner than he liked people began showing up, the twins showed up first followed by Lee Jordan, the Gryffindor quidditch team, some Hufflepuffs, Hannah Abbot, a few others Harry didn't know, Cho Chang and her Ravenclaw friends, Ginny, Colin Creevy and his brother Dennis, and finally Neville.

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