Umbridge Makes a Big Mistake

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(Alright so I'm really nervous about this chapter. I got this idea after a comment from early on and not everyone might like it, but please just hear me out on it? Thanks)

Mirabel waited for her friends and than they all went down to breakfast for Valentine's Day.

On their way down Neville exclaimed. "Hey Mira!" She turns as he rushes down and shyly he handed her a bouquet of lavender. Blushing and smiling she took a long sniff from them. "Oh Nevy these are beautiful thank you," she said as her friends giggle behind her.

"Anything for the most beautiful and kind witch in the school," Neville said blushing and Mirabel giggles. "Your the sweetest," she said kissing his cheek and left him fumbling a nice shade of red.

When they got to the great hall Mirabel sat at her seat at her table and within mili seconds Draco was next to her with a cocky smile.

"Hola Mira, how's the prettiest butterfly in England?" "We're in Scotland," "shut up Granger," Mirabel chuckles at the interaction smiling. "The sentiment is still sweet Draco," she said.

"Speaking of sweets," he hands her a box and when she opened it chocolate butterflies flew out with different coloured wings. "The different colours are different flavours," Draco explains and Mirabel blushes as the butterflies flew back into the box.

"Aren't you thoughtful," she asks with a teasing grin and ignoring her friends making gagging noises in the background. "You know it chica," Draco grins.

They smile at each other when suddenly a force of magic pushes them far apart.

Confused Mirabel looks up and saw Umbridge had flicked her wand at them pushing them each apart. "Uh what was that for?" Mirabel asks. "Educational decree number thirty four. All individuals must be separated from their attracted gender," Umbridge says said and walks off. She got to the stand and announces this. "Now all girls sit at the Ravenclaw an Hufflepuff tables, all boys sit at the Slytherin and Gryffindor tables," many couples started complaining and grumbling as they were made to separate.

"This is inhumane!" Ron groans. "What are you so sad about? Not like you'd even have a chance with a toad," Draco sneers being made to sit next to them much to everyone's annoyance. "Well for one I won't have the girls to copy my homework with!" Ron hisses.

"Well now I can't even go near Mira my reason is worse," Draco said. "I hate to say this, but I agree with the ferret," "who are you calling a ferret?" "I can't even go near Angelina anymore with this rule," George pouts. "My reason is more pressing," Draco frowns. "They're the same reasons," Neville said. "Shut up flower boy," Draco snaps. Harry looks over at the girls table and frowns seeing Cho Chang so far.

"Looks like old Freddy here is the only one who isn't suffering from this. Still single, but ready to mingle," George jokes trying to lighten the mood. Fred had been day dreaming and said. "Oh yeah ready to mingle," he agrees.

Meanwhile at the teachers table Bruno was actually arguing against this new rule. "Look I understand things may happen, but this is insanity. Are you going to have us separate the classes into girls and boys too?" Bruno asks. "Do not give her ideas," Snape mutters. While he enjoyed student suffering he did not want to have the genders separated, the best part of his classes is pairing together students who are crushing on each other, if he has to be miserable than they need to be entertaining at least.

Umbridge took a small bite of her food. "Please understand this is for the best of the students well beings Professor Guzman," Umbridge said. "Is it really? Or are you just bitter that no one asked you out on a valentines date? Or any date?" Bruno asks.

The entire table went quiet and students noticed the tensions looking over. Umbridge makes a high pitched hmph and said.

"I'd be careful with your words Bruno, you may find things to get nasty quite quickly," Umbridge said. Glaring Bruno said. "They won't get nasty for me, but they will for you," he answers.

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