What Does Goes Wrong

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Harry woke up bright and early. After last night, after seeing that footage, Harry feels a new sense of strength within him and a little bit more at peace with himself too. He can't really explain it, he just is feeling better, happier even. Mirabel seemed to feel the same as she explained to Harry she needed to do something's, get information, do what the order wasn't going to do. Harry wished her luck and promised to look out for the school while he was gone.

"What's got you so smiles?" Camilo asks in Mirabel's form as Harry walked down the steps. For a brief moment Harry's confused, why wasn't Camilo upstairs in the girls dorms? "The stairs got a hex on them, if I unchanged then it'll throw me out of the girls dorms. Slept down here with a blanket over myself and a book to say I fell asleep reading," He explains with a shrug as he sat up.

"The couches are surprisingly comfortable," he notes with a shrug as he stood up. "So? What do we got on today?" He asks.

"We'll first breakfast, it's a little early but," "I will never say no to food come on!" Camilo grabs his wrist and began dragging him down the stairs. They arrived at the great hall for breakfast and Camilo was quick to dig in on a pile of pancakes. Harry watches this mildly impressed.

"So what do we have on today?" Camilo asks. "Well first class is gonna be the hardest, we have double potions," Harry said. "Easy, you just dump some stuff in a pot and stir right?" Camilo asks. "No there is a lot more to it than just that. Also Mirabel excels at potions, another thing is that Snape is a real grump and does not take anything less then our best, and Mirabel is the best. So when we pair up for potions just pair with Hermione," Harry said and Camilo nodded.

Sooner than he liked potions came and before Snape even arrived things went really really wrong.

"I think you looked better with a broken nose," Camilo comments in Mirabel's form after Draco started making flirty remarks, something he had been doing consistently and surprisingly politely. He never made vulgar remarks, but the ones he did make did come off pretty creepy if you didn't know him. The comment Draco had used was "Did you get hurt when you fell from the heavens?". So when 'Mirabel' said this he was quickly confused and offended looking at the other Slytherin's to make sure he heard right.

"What?" He asks. Harry slaps his face as he whispers. "Deal with it! Mirabel does," He whisper hisses as Draco turns back. Quickly Camilo yawns and said. "Sorry Draco, just tired, fell asleep studying last night," he said quickly with a apologetic smile. Draco still had a raised eyebrow, but he accepted it nonetheless.

"Hey Mira?" Camilo turns seeing a boy he did not recognize at all. He was looking a little embarrassed as he asked. "So I know your not supposed to help us anymore, but I'm having trouble with transfiguration right now and I was hoping you could help me in the library after school? You know same time same place?" He was blushing a little and his voice was quiet. Camilo tries to think what this boy was asking for. He can't actually be asking for a girls help is he? In his experience men, including himself, are way to proud to ask for a girls help.

The boy's blushing, is he asking for a date? He must be he can't actually be asking for help with his homework it's got to be a code word or something. Wow two guys are after his prima she never said she was a guy magnet, must be the Madrigal charm. Oh he's waiting for a answer... Hmm Camilo needs to keep up appearances, but at the same time he knows nothing about this guy. Smiling he answers. "Lo seinto Chico I got so much homework myself to catch up on you would not believe it! Even papi, traitor Huh?" 'Mirabel' asks. The boy looks disappointed, but nodded. "Okay uh, your okay right? I know what happened was a lot, but if you want to talk," he said. "I'm fine Chico! It was just a little misunderstanding," 'Mirabel' said and boops his nose making him blush madly and then turn heading to the back of the line.

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