The New Headmistress

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Mirabel hadn't been paying attention to the Daily Prophet for her last week in the Ministry. She had been too busy sneaking around and copying down as much information as she could on anyone she could.

She wanted to try and go to the homes of the Death Eaters still running free, but she could not risk finding Voldemort hiding there.

Still, she's sure no one's suspected her. Dress as a janitor with some polyjuice potion and no one pays you any mind at all. Even as you go into secure and important office. She had been wandering around one of the more important offices when she came across the news paper on a desk.

Front cover read.

Dumbledore sacked

Mouth dropping open she grabbed the paper and read it back to back. Dumbledore is on the run now after they discovered the Hogwarts Legion nearly eleven days ago and blamed him for it.

Worst of all Umbridge has been put in charge!

Oh this will not stand!

Back at Hogwarts

This past week has been absolutely miserable for everyone. With Dumbledore gone so was any protection the students had been given. Umbridge found the list with all the names on it and now even the students had managed to get away were serving detention in the great hall during every lunch break.

And with Umbridge her detentions were pretty bloody. Madam Pomfry was forbidden from healing any of the students hands even as blood dripped from their hands and they got infections that were slowly growing worse. The only reason they weren't worse was because Bruno had been treating them during his classes or slipping them some of his sisters food.

This ran out quickly though because Umbridge made it forbidden from sending or receiving any letters or packages, including the teachers.

Harry honestly felt really bad for the Slytherins that had been in the Hogwarts Legion the most. The Slytherins apart of it were a minority compared to the rest of the house that had helped hunt down the members. Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and any other Slytherin in the HL was being bullied relentlessly and Harry even saw Blaise with a busted lip when he passed in the hall. Draco had his prefect status revoked and given to Crab who now made his life a living hell. It warmed Harry's heart though when he saw Neville helping Draco walk to classes because of a sprained ankle that a muggle born Ravenclaw had to fix the muggle way since the magical way was forbidden. Luckily that Ravenclaws parents were both doctors so they had some expertise in the area.

Umbridge of course did nothing to stop it. In fact she saw delight in it as she watched a first year Slytherin boy walk in limping so badly he had to be held up by his friends. He was still denied treatment though. Or when students hands became so swollen they couldn't move them.

Camilo by far had it the worse though. Umbridge had been serving the students this terrible food that offered no nutrients and they were in small portions at that too. He was having trouble keeping up the shift without any fuel and even in Mirabel's form he was becoming skin and bones quickly. Umbridge made sure he got the smallest portions having noticed his recent increase in food and took delight in watching him suffer.

He also barely got a chance to shift back either because Umbridge had Aurors posted everywhere so their movements were watched closely.

None of the teachers could not do anything. Mcgonagall had tried and now she was in Saint Mongos recovering from a attack by the Aurors. She was going to recover, but it sent a message to the other teachers. The ghosts couldn't do anything either, they were just ghosts and what they could do wasn't enough.

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