Battle of Mysteries

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The group of wizards flew over the London skyline on the back of Thestrals, though only four in the group could actually see them. They made sure to keep above the skyline and turns out Thestrals were fast so they were flying over London in no time.

"What do they even want at the Ministry?" Neville asks as they flew over London's city. "Voldemort is after the Great Prophecy. It the weapon the order has been protecting," Mirabel explains and everyone looks at her. "And how do you know this?" Harry asks.

"Sirius told me while I was off stealing ministry files. Voldemort wants it because it foretells someone defeating him and it's supposed to tell the listener how to defeat him," Mirabel explains. "Then why don't we bloody know about it!?" Ron exclaims angrily.

"Because it can also tell Voldemort how to defeat the one who could defeat him. Aka it could tell us how to kill him, or it could tell him how to kill us and win," Mirabel explains as they headed to the deserted city street.

Harry grew a determined expression as did everyone else.

Ron lead them to the entrance and Mirabel used a spell to blast open the lock. They were now under Ground

Now the group was running through the ministry halls as Harry used his memories from his dreams to find the way.

Eventually they got to the old courtrooms where the door from his dream was. They arrived outside it, but before Harry opened the door Mirabel stops him.

"Whatever we find in there Harry, just remember we chose to be here," she said. Harry looks at her then everyone else before he nods and opens the door.

A large, seemingly endless hallway was revealed to them. They entered and the door slammed shut behind them making them all jump. The only light came from dimly glowing orbs, most of them glowed a dim white light some of them glowed a eery green, but those were far in-between.

"Hey look," Camilo had been drawn to one of the orbs. Everyone watches as he picked it up and an image shrouded in green appears. It was of Camilo touching his door and then the next moment he had shifted into Mirabel.

"Ha, and Tio Bruno said the magic didn't let him see our gifts," Camilo laughs and Mirabel can't help the small giggle as Camilo put it back.

"This place must hold every prophecy there's ever been past and yet to come," Hermione comments looking around the area with a uneasy expression.

"How are we supposed to find the prophecy in this mess?" Ron asks. "We're not looking for it we're looking for Sirius," Mirabel reminds them.

"I know where it is, follow me," Harry said and they do. He began moving among the shelves passing orbs of all shapes and sizes as he counts among the shelves. The place was endless, practically a maze.

Finally they stopped at an empty row. Harry looks confused. "No, it's meant to be here I saw it!" He exclaims. "Harry," everyone looks at Neville. Everyone looks at him and he was looking at a small crystal ball.

"Do you hear that?" Neville asks. Mirabel strains her ears and she does.... She does hear it. There was whispering, a strained whispering.

"No," Camilo answers. "Me neither," Hermione agrees. "But I can," Mirabel said. "So can I," Harry said walking over.

He reaches up to the shelf and he took the orb looking into it, lost in its invisible pull as Neville stares at it with the same expression.

Mirabel walks over, she was also caught in its pull as words filled her head.

"The ones with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies,"


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