Answers of the Past

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Harry took Alma's advice to heart. She was right, there were hard days, days where he just laid in bed looking at nothing.

Then his first good day came.

He had left the hospital wing for a little while to go out into the courtyard when he heard a scream. It was a good scream though, a happy one.

Harry looked up and he saw a Horntail, Mirabel, flying in the sky and on her back was Antonio, Camilo, Ron, and Neville on her back all clutching on while screaming in joy.

Below Pepa was running around a storm cloud above her head as she held her arms out ready to catch anyone that fell off with Felix right behind her. "Get down! Your going to give me more grey hair!" They both exclaims.

The humorous sight made him smile a little. "It is quite a sight is it not?" A voice asks him and he looks beside him seeing Dumbledore had sat down besides him.

"Yeah, it's happy," Harry answers. Mirabel does a twirl causing the three boys to fall off her back. Pepa screeches as they all fell, but then they landed in a large flower with a soft landing making them bounce high in the air again before landing safely. Mirabel laughs as she drops down and transforms back into herself while Isabela sighs fondly nearby reading a magical plant book. "You could have warned us you would do that!" Camilo exclaims. "We nearly died!" Ron exclaims. "I think I broke something," Neville groans. "Oh where's the fun in that?" Mirabel asks. "Again again!" Antonio cheers.

Dumbledore smiles at the sight before he says. "Harry I am sorry, I should have not kept it a secret from you. I was wrong and foolish,' Dumbledore admits. Harry looks at him before he says. "I'm sorry too, I should have trusted you," he said. "I suppose we both made mistakes," Dumbledore said.

They're quiet again when Harry asks. "Draco? How's he taking it with his father in Azkaban?" He asks. "Well Lucious is probably feeling much safer in Azkaban right now than what Tom would do to him for failing. As for Draco I am unsure, he has refused to talk, he has not uttered a word since you arrived back," Dumbledore admits. Harry frowns, but he isn't sure what to do about that.

"Probably best that the prophecy is gone, would have smashed it myself, but as I'm sure you know only someone apart of the prophecy can touch it," he said. "Yeah, but now we don't know the full prophecy," Harry said. "Not quite," Harry looks at Dumbledore eyes wide. "The one smashed was merely a recording, but the ones who heard it also know it," he explains. "And who else heard it?" He asks. "I did. Sixteen years ago I interviewed Sylibal for a post here at school. Honestly I planned on taking divination off as a subject, but I was open to suggestions. I found myself greatly disappointed and was about to leave, but then this magic over came her, and she said in this dark voice a prophecy. He believes it holds the answers to his success," Dumbledore said. "And success to what?" Harry asks. Dumbledore takes a moment to gather his thoughts.

"You see Harry. Voldemort tried to kill you when you were a child because of a prophecy made shortly before your birth. He knew the prophecy had been made, though he did not know its full contents. He set out to kill you when you were still a baby, believing he was fulfilling the terms of the prophecy. He discovered, to his cost, that he was mistaken, when the curse intended to kill you backfired. And so, since his return to his body, and particularly since your extraordinary escape from him last year, he has been determined to hear that prophecy in its entirety. This is the weapon he has been seeking so assiduously since his return: the knowledge of how to destroy you," Dumbledore explains. "But if I heard it, then it would also reveal the knowledge to destroy him," Harry said. "I suppose, I've spent the past sixteen years studying each word and line of the prophecy, and I suppose it's time I share it," Dumbledore takes a deep breath.

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