SOA/Mayans [Gen Fic]

Start from the beginning

Now it's the third day and the entrance fee has jumped to thirty-five dollars since the entertainment was more well-known than the previous day's entertainment. Today also happens to be the day of the concert that the Mayans were rolling into town for. So, after spending some time with Tara and Thomas, watching Abel get on a few kiddie rides, Jax leads them over to the main stage towards the back of the festival grounds where the concert is to take place.

When he and Tara get to the stage, their eyes widen at the size of the crowd that this performer has garnered. He's about to lead her and his kids to a set of bleachers at the back of the crowd, not willing to risk pushing his way through so many people, when Gemma catches sight of them.

"Heya, Jackson. These are for you." Gemma hands him four neon orange wristbands that are stamped with the letters VIP.

"VIP?" Tara arches an eyebrow at her mother-in-law. "How'd you score these?"

"The performer is YN YLN." She smirks as Jax's eyes widen.

"No shit?"

"Shit." Gemma smirks before she takes in her daughter-in-law's pinched expression, Tara having been filled in about Jax's girl after she had left for college, and then rolls her eyes before slinging an arm around Tara's shoulders. "Don't be like that. YN knows all about you and Jax, and she's happy for you. She actually wants to meet up after she's done."

"You promise you won't stir shit up?" He asks his ma.

"I promise, baby." She smiles, eyes sparkling. "Everyone's all grown up now and she really does just want to catch up. You weren't her only friend here in Charming, you know."

"Yeah, I know. Just didn't think I'd ever see her again. I broke her heart." Jax winces as he recalls said breakup.

"Breaking her heart was the best thing you did for that girl, Jackson. She got out of Charming and made it big in the music industry." Jax slowly smiles then, realizing his mother is right. "Now I gotta go find some Mayans to give them their bracelets. Opie and Juice are already in the VIP section."

Jax chuckles and waves his mother off, he and Tara then putting the bracelets on their kids before helping each other put their own on.

Gemma walks around for twenty minutes before spotting more kuttes in the crowd, smirking as she approaches them. "What are you guys doing way back here?" The three Mayans and the girl all glance at her, one of them tugging the girl a little behind him. Gemma mentally rolls her eyes at that. "Relax. I'm Jax Teller's mother." They seem to relax at that. "My son tells me the girl is a fan of the next performer. I figured you'd wanna be as close as possible."

"Gemma, right?" One man asks. She nods. "I'm Angel, this is EZ, Coco and Letty." She smiles at each of them.

EZ sheepishly rubs the back of his head. "We got here a bit late. Didn't think the crowd would be this big."

Gemma huffs. "You and me both." She glances around the crowd, shaking her head. Then facing the Mayans, she reaches into her back pocket while pulling out more VIP bracelets. "It's a good thing I have these then."

Letty pushes past her father's protective stance, causing Gemma, Angel and EZ to laugh while Coco glares at his daughter. "Are those- are these for us?!"

"'Course, baby. Now come on. Let's see that dainty wrist of yours."

Gemma helps Letty put her bracelet on while passing out the other three to the men.

"How the hell did you swing this?" Coco asks once Gemma's leading them towards the front of the stage, flashing her bracelet smugly to the security guard on shift.

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