22. Your smirks

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Next day

Y/n's POV

I'm walking to the nurse station when everyone see me and asking if I'm okay. People think I'm sick which is indeed I am, but not only that, I need space and I got what I want now, so I came back to do my duty.

Dr. Min, I haven't seen him since I got here. He's late to give his briefing. It's already pass 7 so maybe he is busy. The team will be just stay in the nurse station.

I walk out from the nurse station to get some fresh air. It's not really sunny today, maybe will be raining in the afternoon.

I sit on the bench the last time I sit there with Dr. Min. Dr. Min, where is he? The news about his engagement is everywhere, but the person is nowhere to be found. Even my phone is back now, I did not receive any Text or calls from him, he is like, disappear.


A familiar voice say my name from behind me as I look back with eagerness. I see him, he looks, pale and messed up. He has dark circles in his eyes, his hair is oily, he look terrible.

"Dr. Min?" I get up as we both walking towards each other. He look at me with smile.

"How are you? I heard from your husband that you're sick?" His words sounds so painful to me. Since I know everything, I can't see him the same way anymore, and the way he mentioned my husband, I know it hurt him.

"I'm okay now, I'm sorry that I left too long, what about you, doctor?" I look at him with smile but heavily.

"As you can see, we have works to do." He smirks but I know he's trying to hide his pain.

"I know we have, did you eat breakfast?"

"Yes, just coffee."

"I brought a sandwich, wait here." I run back to the nurse station to get my lunch box. I know I packed more than usual in case I wanted to share it with him. If not, maybe I'll eat it with Blue.

As I go back, Dr. Min is sitting on the bench with his head down, hands on his thighs, I look closely and find him fall asleep while he is sitting. My heart hurt when I see him like this. What had happened until he is so tired and miserable like this. I carefully patted his shoulder to wake him up, he startled by my touch and I regret that wake him up.

"Doctor?" I say as I sit next to him. He open his eyes and looks ta me with his weak smile.

"Sorry, I fall asleep." He even yawning. I wait for him to come back on earth and then I give him my water bottle. He took it and drink it a little.

"Thank you, Y/n, I feel like grandpa now, being treated by his granddaughter." I chuckles with his joke, we smile together.

"You're not that old, here, eat this." I give him my lunch box, open it so he can eat the sandwich. He take one and eat it slowly. I wait and watch him.

"This is so delicious, Y/n." He says, looking at me. Thank God we have schedule at ten and 2 pm at the walk in clinic. He still have time to sleep.

"Thank you, I made this a lot so I can share it with you because I know you like it."

"I am." He smile at me, eating the last price and take another from the box.

"You haven't eat well, doctor?"I shouldn't have ask when I actually know what he has been through.

"I drink coffee, I consider it's food since my stomach is full after I drink it."

"No it's not," I chuckles.

"What should I do, I'm addicted to coffee as much as I'm addicted to you." He says as he look at me, I bit my inner cheek, feeling like I take the wrong turn. This conversation shouldn't be appear in the surface at all if it's only hurt him. I can't believe he just say it casually like that.

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