10. In your embrace

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Yoongi's POV

I drop my phone on the ground, not caring if it's broken, I rush out, running like a mad man after I heard Y/n screaming through the phone. Something is wrong.

I run through the corridor, finding the mental health building where she informed me she was there. I'm sweating in fear, my body shake as I ran, I saw people surrounding in circles, my mind tell me that Y/n is in the middle.

Feeling angry, I broke through the crowd and found Y/n lying there with her eyes closed. My whole body freeze, my knees dropped to the ground next to her figure, her forehead is wounded as if she has been attacked by someone. I shake her shoulder to wake her up, she is not responding.

"Y/n wake up."

I do it again, but it's useless, she's not waking up. I lift her head, I put my hand on her back and the other is in the crook of her legs and carry her to the ER.

My panic doesn't end here. As I lie her down on the bed, I see a cut on her forehead when I thought it's just a wound, the reason why it's bleeding badly.

I try to wake her up, shaking her shoulders without giving her head stressor, the nurse gather around to treat her cut, cleaning them and stitch them.

"Y/n please, open your eyes."

"She just pass out, Yoongi-ah, don't panic." Dr. Myung say behind me as I angrily grabbed the sterile gloves and put it on, I took the suture from the nurse's hand and stitch her myself.

"She supposed to feel this pain, we don't even put anesthesia before we stitch it. Something his definitely wrong, hyung." My hands shaking as I stitch through her flesh.

"We will do the scan in case she has a trauma."

I made it quick as clean the wound and put a bandage on it. His words is already scare me. Y/n is with me that means she's my responsibility.

Dr. Myung sent her for MRI scan as I wait for the results, she's not waking up just yet, her eyes closed as her body start to turned paler.

A few moments later, I decided to put an IV on her and give her an injection to wake her up in low dosage. I should not do this but I was too scared, I have no choice. The MRI scan tells that there's nothing wrong with her head, no serious injury but she might lost some blood due the open wound.

I sit next to her bed, holding her hand whose getting colder, we still at the ER and I don't planned to take her anywhere else. Her eyes still close, and to my horror, it's showing a red circle around her puffy eyes. I'm crying in fear, holding her hand tighter until she feel the pain and the wake up.

"Y/n, please, don't do this, open your eyes."

I keep staring at her eyes, her face, it's pale, her lips slowly parted. I get up from my chair and take a closer look to her, she move her eyelids slowly lifting them up. A surge of happiness spread through my body and I feel warm, holding her hand as she weakly move her fingers.

"Y/n?" I call her name to make her response to my voice, her eyes open weakly and try to find me.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" I ask again as she now look at me.


"Yes I'm here."

Her hand move to her head and holding it, maybe feel a sudden pain in there. I'm alert, my eyes not leaving her, following her every moves.

"Where am I?"

"ER, Y/n can you follow my finger?" I raise my finger and move it left to right as her eyes follow them.

I LOVE YOU 13 YEARS || MIN YOONGI X READER (BOOK 1) Where stories live. Discover now