18. Intense Pleasure

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Three weeks later

Y/n's POV

Let's say I have so many good luck. I pass the test and joining the program eventually. I make my parents and Dr. Min proud of me. But there's always a bad new, my friend, Blue didn't make it, but she's not regretting it, she's happy for me, a true sweetheart that she is.

Dr. Min is helping me plenty, he spend his free time tutoring me at the library, as for return, I take the emergency job every time that he called. Most of them this week, especially, there's so many emergency operations, people with head trauma that needs to be helped immediately. I couldn't complain since it's my job, although, they pay me good. it's increasing my zeros at my account, and that makes me happy.

I mean who wouldn't, my seven years dedication as a nurse, time and energy, it didn't waste in vain. I'm proud of what I do, I never thought destiny will lead me to be a helper. Kids call me hero because of my daughter always says that to her friends. My little princess is the reason of my spirit every day.

As for today, since I join the program, the whole schedule is changed. I have to be in a class every monday and thursday for eight months. And the there's a hospital practice for four months guided by senior and doctor, and the field practice until the of the program end. Field practice is the hardest, because, according to Dr. Min says, I have to act like a pro, which is hard, indeed, imagining it is enough to make me shivers.

I walk out of the auditorium along with the students as the class has ended. Me and the other fifteen nurses from eight different hospital. Dr. Min has this hall for a educational, the hall is place near the nutrition department building. So every time class started at 7 am, our noses will pampered by the delicious smells from the next building. It's kind of joy to me personally, a good smells of food distract me from lecture stress.

My phone buzzes, I take that out of my pocket and seeing Dr. Min calling me, I answer his call quickly.

"Doctor? I'm just finish, I'll be on the OR in 2 two minutes, no, I won't run, but I'll be on time. Okay." I end the call and put my phone back to my pocket.

I put my books on my back pack and running through the empty corridor, he won't find out, as long as I can be at the OR within two minutes. Smirking, I reach the door knop and pill it open and I saw Dr. Min standing in front of me with his arms crosses in his chest. His eyes stare at me in disbelief.

"What do you think you're doing? Running in the corridor like that?" He raise his brows.

"How do you find out?"

"Your fast breathing, do you think I didn't know, Y/n, now stop this habit that can make your heart explode, and get ready now." He turn around as I chuckles lowly behind him, following to the washing booth to wash my hands.

I kept my stuff and changed my clothes before I wash my hands. Today's operation is open wound caused by trauma. I glance at the monitor before nurse helping e put on my sterile coat and gloves. He has badly injured with complete bone crush on his left tibia. Poor guy, he might be too excited with his new motor bike.

"We'll cut it off?" I ask him, looking at his eyes.

"We are going to make a big decision for his life, his family is on the way her but we made a call two hours ago, they said do whatever we want to save his son's life. Y/n, are you ready?" Dr. Min start his roleplay again. I smirk under my mask knowingly, he's on the mood.

"I am ready, doctor, but what if we make mistakes?"

"We have to decided, this is for his own good, if we don't do this, he will suffered the most rotten life that can killed him, cut this off, or let it be." He pretend to heave a heavy breath, I try to hold my laugh, we always do this dramatic prologue before we start the work, although, this is works to be less stress.

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