04. Tense

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Three hours later

I see bare heart beating constantly inside the rib cage, I can't take my eyes off of Dr. Min's hands. The unconscious male lying in the surgery bed, we are trying get the tumor out of his intestine. The tumor has been there for three years, the person suffering extreme pain.

Dr. Min cut the tumor and I handed him a stainless bowl and he place it there to bring it to the lab. I do my first task, make sure the organs is placed correctly, and stitch the intestine, I try to calm and do my work carefully.

Everyone sigh in relief when the tumor is out. Patient will be fine and I start to stitch his abdomen. It was so many layers and I do it one by one until it's done.

30 minutes has pass, I take my gloves off and wash my hands. The patient is move to the recovery room and wait for him to be conscious so we can sent him back to ICU until he's stable.

I get out of recovery room to get a fresh air. I don't know if I do my work well in my first day, I decided to text my friend.

<did you have shift today?>

<yes, in boring ER now, why?>

<my first day at work with Dr. Min>

<😏 how did go with the cold boss?>

<it was okay, I think he's not cold, he's humble, I eat with him in the top canteen>

<you cheat, I wanna eat a free food too.. 😭>

<come with me tomorrow, we can eat together>

<gosh, okay, where are you now? >

<third floor>


A voice startled me as I put my phone back to my pocket. Dr. Min walking towards me. I'm ready for whatever he said to me. He must have come here to evaluate my work today.


"You free after this?"

"Yes, we have no more schedule."

"That's right, did you write the report?" Crap, I don't.

"I'm working on it, I will give it to you in 30 minutes."

"This is what I hate, Y/n, waiting, what did I told you to write it right away after the operation done." I don't dare to look up to his face now, he must be furious, in my first day I already messed up.

"I'm sorry, doctor."

"Don't say sorry, do your job, I need the report in ten minutes. I want it to be written by hand."

With that, he left, and I feel ashamed, I hurry go back to the nurse station and working on the report.

After ten minutes, I take the report to his office, but when I was about to knock on his door, he open the door when my hand is in fist, ready to knock.

"The report, doctor." I lower my hand and hold the paper with my both hands. He look at me emotionless.

"Let me check." He take the paper and read it.

I never experience such a tense moment with my boss. I'm sweating, my hands shaking and I could passed out in a moment when he say the word I fear. I'm at the edge of panicking.

"You lucky your report is what I wanted, why do you think the patient will have a possibility of heart attack?"

He test me, again.

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