05. Close

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Thursday morning, when everything seems to be normal, I walking up and down the stairs to give the reports to my boss. A few days after me being assistant of Dr. Min, I never been this tired of my entire career. But I can't complain, I will do this because I got paid, I wanna have a good future for my child.

The corridor is empty when I'm walking from Dr. Min's office, I was gonna go back to the nurse station and prepare for the next schedule after lunch, I sit on my usual chair and start writing. Today's surgery is to take an appendix out, so report is most likely the same.

"Y/n, hi!" A voice of a cheerful girl startled me I look up from my book and see Blue here. A smile grew my face as I see her, it's been a few days we didn't talk to each other because I can't visit her nor she's visiting me. I pull a chair for her to sit next to me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and she smiles.

"I move to ICU today, I will be here for six months."

"That's great? Did you have lunch?" I ask, remember how she wanted to eat at the canteen up three.

"I haven't but I have something to tell you." Her face become serious, I see her looking around the nurse station when there's no one but us.

"What happened?"

"Are you interested to join a anesthetic nurse program?" My ears alert to the words she just said. The program is only happening once in one hundred years, if you lucky and still alive, you'll have that dream job nurse could ever wanted.

"Of course, how do we join, and where?"

"The university opening this postgraduate program for senior nurses to attend training in anesthesia nurse for Two years."

"A training for two years, this program."

"Yes Y/n, we always wanted to be anesthesia nurse. It's a good opportunity, does Dr. Min haven't informed you? There will be a test, if you pass the latest test you will joining the program, not everyone interested to join, so it's our chance."

"He didn't say anything, but I want to join the program, tell me how."

"Sent the resume to the university, you will be called for an interview and a week test, I already prepared my resume, I thought of telling you so we could submit together."

"Can you help me? I'll finish this report and give it to Dr. Min, we have time to make my resume at lunch and then we can submit together?"

"Sure, go finish it, I'll wait at the top floor canteen."

"Thanks, Blue." I hug her being grateful and let go, she left nurse station and I hurry finish my report.

I walk to Dr. Min's office for a hundred times today but I don't mind, I already received a good news. I knock his door and he open the door for me. I step in with smile on my face, giving him the report he wanted. Look up to his facial expressions, he frown seeing me smiling like an idiot.

"What happened to you?" He ask. I shake my head no and look down shyly. He sigh as he checked the report I write.

"We have three patient with the same problem, you just have to write it at once, only the intervention to evaluation are different according to the patient's names, I forgot to tell you." That sounds annoying, and he meant to do this to me but I don't mind, I'm too happy to be upset.

"That's fine, doctor, it help me study."

"You look cheerful today, Y/n, what happened?"

"Um?" I gather my courage to tell him in order to asked for permission, every time I land my eyes on his, I feel peace and scares, nervous and all, but he just stand there as an ice cold. No smile.

I LOVE YOU 13 YEARS || MIN YOONGI X READER (BOOK 1) Where stories live. Discover now