Chapter Forty-Four- For YOU.

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"Why am I here?" I gritted, as no one had said a word to me since they've brought me to this realm. A'Miza explained to me what it was like for her when she would be tossed into this world. The ancestors and I aren't cool in any way. So I do not understand why I am here...though, I fully expected that someday they would have done this. Four years later, though? Seems a bit...pointless. "I won't ask twice."

"Oh, how we loved to hear your threats back in the day," I hear a woman's voice. She sounded old...her voice irked me. "You were way too entertaining once, now you're just angry or sad, never anything else." She laughed. I can't see her.

"I'm glad my life up to this point has amused you, perhaps you can share your face with me so that I may see who has been audience to the tragedy,"

"Perhaps, once you see my face, you'll know too much," she chuckled.

"Too much knowledge never hurt anyone-"

"Well that's rich coming from you," she giggled, "Maybe A'Miza made a mistake telling you everything in the end after all."

"Don't–" I cut myself off feeling my fangs scrap against my gums like an agonized prisoner's against their jail bars. "You're dead, but I'd try with all my might to kill you twice, if you do not mind your tongue."

"So, now I can't speak in my own realm?" She scoffed, " I've seen that you've become a hard ruler. Referring to yourself as the name the people gave you, a name you once detested, the name, Letifer."

"And what of it? It seems to fit the monster you people have created, no?"

"It seems you are only looking for an excuse to become who you've always been." She chuckled. "Letifer was never someone to become, you couldn't run away from what already was."

"I'd say that's what helps you sleep at nights, but given that you're dead..."

"Oh, the king got jokes," I hear another voice, a male voice utter. "That he does," another woman's voice says. Who the fuck are these people?

"Since I've been brought here to play jester, how about my audience showing their faces?"

"Fair enough." the first woman said and just then I regretted it. I watched as a white, rather large woman steps from the darkness. She had many creases in her skin and her fat looked like when you wrap a rubber band around a human finger too many times. She was grotesque, old, and smiling. "Bask, and feast your eyes on my voluptuous body, King Letifer."

"Oh, voluptuous is an odd adjective to describe your— state," I smirked. She smiled and nodded.

"I forgot you like them dark-skinned, long hair, round ass and perky tits." She grinned. " I suppose your A'Miza was quite beautiful, the little traitor. "

"When I said don't earlier do you think I wasn't serious?"

"Oh, I know you were serious...I felt it—your love for her is unmatched, still," she sighs and I took a deep breath, deciding to not be baited by the Michelin Man in a drag costume.

"Why am I here, woman?" I growled, beginning to lose patience with her. She smiled. Her teeth blackened in parts, and her gums were far too large for the mouth. "Do you want to see her again?"

My teeth immediately clenched and my fist balled up, "What are you playing at? She's gone, we all know that!"

"Ah, but she was a Maleficus, where do you think she went after she died my dear, King?"

What? Wait...I felt a hollowness in my chest the moment she spoke the words. I...I hadn't in these four years thought to try and contact her. It never even crossed my mind...the pain was too much. Trying to forget about her was hard enough...trying to contact her and failing wouldn't have been too final for me. I remember Jada saying she tried to reach her once and couldn't, so I believed the ancestors shunned her and she was nowhere. Lost, and gone like she was never here. She was tampered with by them after all and failed their doomed cause to overthrow the Gerarlds.

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