Chapter Thirty-Two- Hell Hath no Fury As a woman Scorned.

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I've lived a very long time.

I've seen many kings...many empires rise, and I have seen them fall.

I've seen religions reign and church and state, and I have seen wars erupt over land, religion, and rights. Wars start because one person or group thinks they know what is best...playing god. I used to look at humanity in disgust, wondering why they did the things they did. If they did it because, in their short little lives, they want to say they did something "significant". I wondered why they never just lived, reproduced, and die...they had to have a "purpose" even though they lived on average until sixty or so. I saw what it did to them; this need to give their simple lives more meaning. It drove them to make shitty decisions.

One of which was democracy. Or rather the lie that is democracy... these two parties present themselves as different, and sure there might be slight differences, but they are all scum, and the people suffer in one way or the other as the politicians line their pockets with their tax money. As Donatus, we know that kings are chosen from either Great Houses, or we fight for the throne amongst ourselves if we see the king leading us astray. It is what happened with Dracula Vladimir. Vlad never knew how to lead. He only knew how to hunt without being caught. He led with fear and heartache and would never allow other types of Donatus to sit on the board. I've changed all that. Sitting in this meeting with Jonathan Embry, Kilomel Jakaar, and my passionate bloodthirsty nephew Alexander as the head of the House of Absconditus was regular. It used to only be us. For the last eight hundred years, we've included a representative for the Maleficus', the Fairies, Duobus', werewolves... hell, and even the Trolls have a representative. I've made sure of it. I've given them all, a voice... Respect. Only to have them use that voice and try to obscure my own as King. Only to have Siane and Dubois, who I considered close acquaintances have the Donatus community in shambles. Utter fucking shambles.

I looked around in the penthouse conference room that we all sat in at all the faces and noted that in Siane's chair, sat Ollivierre. A master Maleficus, who was both feared and respected at his craft. He specialized in dark magic, and I respected a man who took on such an arduous task. Black magic has killed many Maleficus. It takes a strong mind not to melt away with that type of magic and power. Looking at him, he looked like he practiced physical training, too, his build was strong, muscular, and tall. His race, I couldn't tell, he was paled skin-looked like a hybrid Italian-America.

I ground my teeth in utter annoyance.

Even those hyphenations upset me. Why humans choose to kill their bloodline by mixing them, I will never know. Maleficus do it, too, but they are mostly human, so I can see why. But a Great House Donatus, much more a king or a prince... We can fuck them, but we can't marry them...or go as far as to have a child. A human? Yes. They weren't dual like us; they were blank slates to be made into anything. So they were acceptable, but another Donatus is strictly forbidden as King or a member of a Great House. It was an absurd thought.

We do not mess with our bloodline. That was our most absolute rule as vampires who ruled.

"Hear me out," Joana spoke, and her round pale, flushed face lit up red as he moved her blonde curls from her face. She was a bit chubby, so when she was ever angry or nervous, her large cheeks would light up red. But of her people, she was the most outspoken, so they chose her to represent them. Needless to say, but, I've been on this board for years, I've seen many representatives for the factions since. They've aged and died, as they do. "The community understands Siane's message, but we do not agree with the way she went about it."

I sat at the top, looking down the table at every face as she spoke. Many nodded in agreement. Some heart rates rose. I'm happy for once that Zurich was not here. A raised heart rate or a nod at the wrong question with him can go left really fast. The thought made me smirk till I remembered how he had to die. How I have declared that the boy is punished for his public betrayal and endangerment of Imperiumites.

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