Chapter Forty-Three- Reconstruction

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Reconstruction on Winone began today. The announcement was made via Memo to our new Head Master, Kilomel Jakaar's son, Malik Jakaar. He was tall, fit and smart. The man has probably read every book to have ever been published since printing presses became a thing. He was articulate, too and stringent. The type of man who would make a great headmaster. Winone needed a fresh start. After Being closed down for three years, most Donatus found themselves having to enroll at the competition.

"Will the Princess attend here in her eighteenth year?" Nyon asks as he trails behind me on Winone's grounds.

"No, she will be home schooled."

"Are you going to let her choose her nature?" He chuckled, "She's only three, but already I can see She's more Maleficus than the likes of us."

"Nyon...for the love of all that is good, be quiet." I sighed as I watched the workmen do the repairs. I stopped in the courtyard and looked up at the Fairies and Maleficus' using their powers to take steel but from the courtyard to the fourth floor. Construction went faster with magical beings...too bad they won't be here to see it all in full function. Construction has started for Winone Two as well. I Need to name that fucker, too.

This place has been a sore spot for me. It has her...written all over it, like dust on wet walls. I have half a mind blasting the whole thing to the ground and starting from scratch, but we are pressed for time. Winone needs to be open for school at the earliest.

"Sire, we'll need your council on the matter of the tree,"I heard coming from the left of me. The tree? I turned to be faced with a Fairy I had never seen before. She was slender, small, with petite breasts, golden eyes, like my own and dark, smooth skin. Her hair, braided, small, and long. She smells of fruit and cumin. "What tree?" I answered the Fairy, gazing at her breasts.

"Secretum, Sire." She answers with a smirk. Instantly, my mind is tossed back into darkness. Ahh yes, Secretum...what should I do about you?

"A tree for a door?"

I chuckled at the memory, and noticed almost immediately that I did. That's never happened before. Her memory usually made me angry...sad or numb... but it had never mad, smile before. Odd.

"Leave Secretum,"

The Fairy nodded and was about to walk away but something inside me told me to stop her. "What is your name,Fairy?"

Her eyes glimmer under the sun.

"Everdean, sire."

Ahh...Everdean. What a silly name.

"What do you think of my plans for Winone, Miss Everdean?" I smirked at her as her face filled with confusion.

"I can't imagine you'd care what I or anyone else thought, King," she shrugged. "but I-"

"You're right, I do not." She is jolted by my words...surely embarrassed as she was about to give an answer anyway. I could laugh. Her eyes dimmed and her lips pressed into a hard line. Her heart fluttered as her nerves grew. You knew better, Fairy. You know I do not care. "Get to work, Fairy."


It's been an entire year.

Another year, and Winone has been reopened as a Vampire only University. Winone two's grand-opening was marketed toward magical Donatus only, no Ordinarius permitted on any ground we own. Winone two—I suppose I should call it by its proper name, now that it has one. We'll, the A'Miza Gerald Institute, exists a little over 3 miles away from Winone. Close enough where I can pop in without a fuss, to check on the Maleficus' and their new HeadMaster, Helen. She deserved a promotion after what she did for my A'Miza, for all Donatus people. She aids me well there, I trust her to lead, and report any issues she may have with the magical Donatus. "Daddy, we are at the Airport now."

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