Chapter Thirty-Seven- A Walk With You

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That's how she'd calm me down during a time like this.

Breathe, Zurich. There's always another way to handle your problems.

Please, don't let him take over.

You're better than this.


My A'Miza is always trying to quell the worst parts of me. But right now, my wrath knows no master...not even her, the master of my heart. Not right now.

As I stand here in Imperium's basement, surrounded by restraints and chains in the walls, installed by our Royal Maleficus'. Restrains imbued with magic that can render a vampire powerless. It's dark in here...but lit enough with one small fluorescent light above that lit the faces of those I captured trying to enter our walls while A'Miza and her mother walked in the garden out back. In the five months we've been here, everything ran smoothly. I got Amun running the business, and Siane and Dubois sent an agreement of peace in the first week we got back. We knew she was buying time then, but we acknowledged the peace offering and remained armed, guarded and ready. I knew she could not take her loss and move on. I knew this day would come...and how I was looking forward to it. As I looked at their whimpering faces, it brought me pleasure. I'm covered in blood from the fifteen werewolves they sent accompanied by around thirty vampires. All who have fucking met their just end. All but these five vampires here. Peace? Is a fucking facade. There can be no peace where there is unease, ambition and greed. And Siane is always the ambitious cunt. Dubois, a power-hungry little shit, and they were both eager to be at the top. Tired of answering to someone. What a joke. I'd laugh...if I did not have these fuckers here fueling anything but laughter within me.

Chained to the walls, quiet, kneeling- as they fucking should, before me.

"What was the plan here today?" I spoke softly, as I hung my coat on a single chair that was down here. "You felt suicidal, eh? Tired of your long lives?"

"More like tired of you Gerarld scums we are meant to live under!" One frothed at the mouth. Oh? I looked over at it, to see it was one very uninteresting Caucasian lad, who spoke with an Irish accent. He had red, curly hair with freckles on his nose with blue eyes. He looked strong like they changed him in his peak, and as he looked up at me-muddied with werewolf blood splattered on his face from the fight, I felt nothing. I walked over to the man, who kept eye contact with me as he gritted his teeth. I tilted his chin up with my shoe. "I see, you all consider yourselves the brave ones, eh? The ones who would have taken down Imperium all alone?"

"We came with no such intention." He frothed. "killing her was the task, not to take down Imperium-At Least not, yet- the abomination carrying the Duomala has to die to save the future of our people!"

I stepped into his chest and he fell back onto the wall, seething.

"You came to kill my woman and child, eh?"

"We came to eradicate the problem, it isn't personal, Prince, it's just ensuring our future!" Another one says. I don't look over again at him, my eyes glued to the angry, Irish man under my snakeskin boots.

"Is that so? You assume she's a threat based on old folk tales and prophecies with unfounded claims?" I scoffed. " And it isn't personal, huhn Irish?"

He looked up at me with fear, masked carefully under his brave facade. But I saw under it...they're all scared. They are all always afraid Afraid of the power...Afraid from the tales they've heard of letifer.

"Did you fight with the British?" I ask the Irish under my boot. He nodded. "Oh, willingly?"

"I fought willingly." He seethed, " as I fight now."

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