Chapter Thirteen: Make Me Understand... You.

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Prince Zurich

As we run towards Winone, Iminan is steadily beside me trying to reason with me. "I don't believe it is wise for us to on in there knowing that there is no way you get out alive if seen. Winone law forbids you to re-enter, and if this fire is Alex's doing, then-"

"Brother, I know the risk!"

"And yet you want to go in there with the security of Imperium to go after the Maleficus?" He sighs frustrated, "we were just going through our list of allies to make a move If need be, and yet we move without them because the silly witch wanted to endanger herself?"

Iminan... be quiet.

At the moment an uncomfortable feeling was holding my better sense hostage. I feel compelled, in a way, to go after her. As if I don't a part of me may die. I do not understand it, but it was a heavy feeling.

"Explain to me why we can't let her stay with her kind who can more than protect her, while we plan how to-"

"Damn it Iminan, it's almost as though you do not know the Prince by now. "I hear Castile on to my other side. "Even his father, the king, fears his impulsiveness. Your constant whining won't change a thing, so try to just focus on possibly dying here today."

Castile's dark wit and sarcasm knows no end. I'd correct him if there were anything to correct. I just wanted them both to shut up before I end them.

"Though I must ask if there a real reason why you insist on putting yourself in danger?" Castile mumbles, "Princess Zaphrina can be queen if you die, but is there a part of you that actually wants to die why you keep putting yourself in dangerous situations?"

I thought about it as we ran and dodged trees. I know their concerns are more than valid. This whole situation is my fault, my recklessness that has finally caught up with me. Even befriending a damn Maleficus was my fault... and now you care about her.

"Zurich, we are almost there, Winone's walls are but meters away!" Iminan implores, "please reconsider, Amun was unable to fetch any more intel for us so we'd be going in blindly!"

I stop running and the collection of men behind me rounded up to around fifty. By now my eyes were gleaming red and my fangs were itching against my gums. Calm down, Zurich!

"I'd fucking appreciate if all of you could shut your fucking traps!" I growled, exposing my fangs. My throat burned with an unreasonable thirst. I saw the fear in everyone's eyes. She needs to be safe... "Anyone who wants to go can go, just know I will personally kill you when I find you!" Some eyes grew wide with shock, and others not shocked at all, but ready to fight.

Oh...there it is. The murderous filth inside of me. The Letifer they love to call me. I wish I had a better grasp of it...but once I am angry-


What was that?

Suddenly I hear footsteps in the far west of the forest.


"What did Amun say of all the Donatus' of Winone?"

"He reported that Dubois had ordered that no Donatus' leave the compound. The Ordinarius have been ordered to go home until the investigation on what caused the fire is solved, and the buildings affected are restored." Iminan says.

Then who the fuck was that?

"Let's go!" I shouted out and took off in the direction of the sound. I hear a voice and immediately I knew it was her. Her scent filled my nose even from a mile away. I listen to hear another voice, catch a scent, anything! Nothing...

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