Chapter 45

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Two months later


Where are you Jin?
go home, I'm waiting for you, I'm sorry
I'm still his legal husband, he's still mine and  forever. I always don't focus on work and end up drunk when I get home, I miss him, I want to hug him, I want to kiss him.

Today I have to attend a meeting in Busan, I'm staying at a hotel. After finishing the meeting I went to a supermarket to buy beer and other snacks.

While I was in the beer aisle picking out beers, I heard someone yelling.


Jinn? I immediately turned around, looking for who called Jin. I came out of the beer aisle and saw a man running towards someone standing in front of the milk jug, then put his arm around his shoulder, they had their backs to me, I couldn't see clearly who they were.

When someone put the milk in the trolley my eyes opened wide to see it, it was Jin, my husband. With another man beside him, they looked so happy, the man even kissed Jin's forehead and stroked his belly.

I immediately turned around hoping they didn't see me. My heart hurts to see it. My chest became tight and it was difficult for my legs to stand up straight. My tears rolled down my cheeks.

My hands went limp and dropped the beer basket I was holding, sending the can to the floor. Until someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey sir, are you okay?" I just nodded without turning around.

"Ken, what's wrong?" Jinn? it was Jin's voice, I bit my lip tightly so that my crying voice wouldn't be heard and picked up the beer can on the floor and immediately left them.

I went back to the hotel and cried a lot, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Jin with another man, he kissed Jin's forehead. What do I do? What is she doing? I hate this feeling!

The next day I woke up with puffy eyes and the phone wouldn't stop ringing, my secretary called to remind me of a meeting that would take place in 20 minutes.

I'm still thinking about what happened yesterday, why did he do this to me? I got ready and came to the meeting place, my eyes fell on one person there. That man? the same guy I saw yesterday with Jin.

After the meeting was over, I immediately rushed back to the hotel but he held me back. The man held me.

"Mr. Jungkook, do you remember me?"


"When you were waiting for Jin at the club, I tried to seduce him and you told me you were his husband"

Yes, that's right, it was him. I remember now.

"What do you want?"

"Can we talk for a second? I know a good cafe near here"

"I don't have much time"

"It's about Jin"

When we arrived at the cafe, we sat opposite each other.

"Hurry up, I don't have much time"

"I know all about you"

"What do you mean?"

"Jin has told me everything"


"Jungkook, earlier I wanted to apologize, it's not what you think, but this has all happened and now I want to take responsibility for my mistakes, but I can't do it because of you"

"What do you mean? can you be honest with me?"

"Jin is pregnant with my child and I want to marry him, but I can't because you are still his legal husband, I know you don't need him anymore, so can you divorce him?"

My heart actually stopped beating. My eyes are wide open, I don't know what will come out of my mouth, curse, insult or something else I don't know. I was just silent, I wanted to hit his face but my hands couldn't move.


"Can I meet him?"

"I don't think he wants to see you again."

"Let me see him one last time, before I divorce him"

YOU BELONG TO ME // KOOKJINWhere stories live. Discover now