Chapter 8

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Again and again my father is making a new drama, why do I have to take him home, when he said he can go home alone, this is troublesome.

"Sorry to trouble you"

I was surprised by his words, can he read my mind?

"It's okay"

"And sorry about what I said earlier."

"What did you say?"

"About liking you when we first met, I didn't really say it"

"I know, I didn't mean that either, my dad is really annoying"

"But I like your dad, he's very nice" I turned to him then looked back at the road in front of me.

"He was very kind, but after my mother died, he asked me to marry more often, if my mother was still alive she would definitely support me and tell my father to cancel his intention to match me"

"He must be worried"

"Huh? what do you mean?"

"Like my mother, she always said she never know when she's gonna die, she wanted to see me get married and wanted to see me have kids, she never forced me to marry but I know she was really worried, she must be afraid that I'll be alone when she's not around"

I saw him as he was wiping the tears down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry Jin, this marriage will never turn out to be what your mother hoped for"

"It's okay, I'm doing this for money, I have to pay for all my mother's treatment, I want her to get well, when the time comes I will tell the truth about this marriage, I know it will disappoint her, but no matter how small a lie is, it's still a lie. "

"We have arrived"

"Thanks for dropping me off" I just nodded and before he got out of my car I called out to him.



"Here, give me your number, we are a couple now, so we have to exchange numbers right?" I gave my phone to him.

"Here, thank you again"

When he got out of my car and entered his house, I immediately left there, but while on the road I thought about his words 'no matter how small a lie is, it's still a lie'.

I shook my head, calm yourself Jungkook. I am not lying about anything, my father asked me to marry and I gave him a marriage.


After taking a shower I immediately lay on my bed, I still didn't expect, something like this would happen in my life, but my mother's recovery is the main thing, I don't care what my life will be like, I just want my mother to get the best treatment.

When I wanted to close my eyes, the sound of my phone startled me, I saw who was calling and it was from Yoongi.


"Hey Jin"

"What is it?"

"Sorry to bother you at night, but Namjoon told me to call you, he said he wants to talk to you tomorrow"

"Why did he have to ask you to tell me? he can come tomorrow as usual and talk to me"

"He doesn't want to meet at the club, he asked you to have lunch with him"

"I don't want"

"I know you must reject him, but he forced me Jin, come on, just meet him once, at least give him a chance to talk to you alone"

"I don't know what he wants Yoongi and whatever it is I can't give it"

"Pleasee, just this once meet him"


"Thank you Jin, I will send the location via message"


I hung up the phone with a sigh, why is he always bothering me?

YOU BELONG TO ME // KOOKJINWhere stories live. Discover now