Chapter 13

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I'm really worried about Jin right now, I don't know where he is and the phone still can't be reached, I didn't even go home and stopped by the side of the road. I woke up when I heard a horn and saw that it was already 9 am, I called Taehyung and told him I didn't come to work today, of course I didn't tell him the real reason.

I put my phone in the passenger seat and lowered my head on the steering wheel while thinking about him, until the sound of my phone ringing, I immediately picked it up and it was from Jin, finally!



What's wrong with him? why is he.. crying?"

"Jin? are..are you crying? where are you now?"

"My mom.."

SHIT!! Idiot Jungkook! why don't you think of the hospital!

"I will be there now"

I immediately hung up the phone and rushed to the hospital, what's wrong with his mother? why is he crying? did something happen?

When I arrived at the hospital, I immediately ran to his mother's room and saw him sitting in the front of the room, bowing his head. I approached him.

"Jin" He turned to me and hugged me, making me startle and my body froze. He hugged me while crying, I could feel my shoulders wet.

After a while he let go of his arms and looked at me with his wet cheeks and puffy eyes.

"What's wrong Jin?"

"My mother is in critical condition, the doctor called me last night, saying that my mother's condition, I'm afraid Jungkook, what if my mother—"

"Ssh..don't say anything, how is she now?"

"She's inside, asleep, her body..her body is so cold, she's so pale, I'm scared"

"Hey Jin, listen to me, nothing will happen to your mother" I held his arm.

"I'm afraid, I only have her, I don't want to—"

Jin stopped talking when the doctor and nurse started running into his mother's room, of course this shocked Jin and me.

"What is it? what's wrong with my mother?" Jin started to get hysterical when he entered his mother's room and saw the doctor defibrillation on his mother.

"Please come out for a moment Mr. Kim." The nurse told Jin and I to get out. But Jin is getting hysterical seeing his mother.


"Jin, let the doctor examine your mother, let's go out" I grabbed Jin's hand but he pulled away.


"Mr. Kim, please you have to go out for a while"


"Jin .." I had to hug him and take him out of the room.

"MOM!! PLEASE WAKE UP PLEASE!!" I hugged him and stroked his back.

Without realizing it, my tears began to flow, I knew bad things would come out of the doctor's mouth when he left the room, but I still hope what I think is wrong.

Jin was still crying hysterically in my arms, his head on my shoulder, he kept asking his mother to wake up. In an instant, his mother's words replayed in my head.

When the doctor came out, I could see from the look on his face, there was no hope of saying what I thought was wrong.

"Mr. Kim" I let go of my arms and Jin lifted his head from my shoulder and faced the doctor.

"How is my mother? is she okay? she's awake right?" I gripped his hand tightly to strengthen him.

"I'm sorry Mr. Kim, we have tried our best, but God said otherwise, your mother's body cannot receive the treatment anymore, I'm sorry"

"NO!!! NO WAY!! YOU'RE LYING! MY MOTHER CANNOT DIE!! YOU'RE LYING!! STAY AWAY I WANT TO SEE MY MOTHER!" Jin immediately let go of my grip and went inside, saw his mother was already lying on the bed, her face was very pale and her body was cold.

Jin immediately knelt beside his mother's bed while holding the edge of the bed and crying hysterically.

"WAKE UP MOM!!! PLEASE WAKE UP!! I DON'T HAVE ANYONE HERE, PLEASEE!!! PLEASE MOM PLEASEE WAKE UP!!" I remember my mother, I know exactly how it feels to be broken, I know exactly how painful it is to be in Jin's position right now.

I slowly walked over to him and woke him up, made him stand up and hugged him tightly, he hugged me back.

"Jungkook, please tell me this is a dream, please, I don't want this to happen, I don't want to, please wake up my mother, please" Jin hugged me tightly as he continued to cry on my shoulder.

"Jin, I'm here, you're not alone, I'm here" I hugged him tightly and buried my face into his shoulder, we just cried together, I didn't expect this to happen so fast.

'Mom I will keep my promise' I said to myself

YOU BELONG TO ME // KOOKJINOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora