Chapter 33

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When I arrived at the hotel I went into my room and straightened my clothes. Then i called Jungkook, hoping he had arrived at the hotel too and rested.


"I have arrived at the hotel"

"Are your rooms close together?"

"No, our rooms are on different floors"


"Have you arrived at the hotel?"


"I'm sorry"

"It's okay, I just don't like the way when he's around you, he feels like someone owns you and.. what do you mean when you say you know who you belong to?"

"Ahh about that, I don't know I just said it, but it's not wrong right? I'm your husband"

"Hmm yeah you're right, then what are you guys doing tonight? I want to take you to dinner but I'm so tired."

"Get some rest, I'm tired too, maybe I'll sleep tonight and skip dinner"

While on the phone, I heard my doorbell ring.

"Jungkook, it looks like there's someone outside my room, I'll check it out first"

"Don't turn off the phone"


"I said don't turn off the phone, if it's a bad person I can go straight there" Why is he this cute?


I went to the door and opened it.

"Namjoon, what's wrong?"

"Are you busy?"

"I'm just on the phone with Jungkook"

"You two just met but he already called you"

"Actually I called him"

"Ohh I want to take you to dinner"

"Sorry, but I'm going to skip dinner I'm tired so I just want to sleep"

"Okay, may I come in? I'm bored of being alone in my room"

"What? sorry but did you hear what I said earlier I was tired and wanted to sleep?"

"Yeah, you can sleep don't mind my presence here, I'll go when I'm not bored anymore"

"Hmm okay, come in, have a seat I'll talk to Jungkook for a while" He just nodded and sat on the sofa.


"I heard it"

"Jungkook.. I—"

"Jin" Namjoon called me.

"What's the matter with that person? Don't let him touch you."

"Jungkook, that's not going to happen, I just can't resist"

"Maybe you should learn to reject him from now on, or he will feel free to be around you"

"Jungkook please don't be angry, how about we meet tonight"

"I'm tired"

"I'm tired too, but I don't feel comfortable if he's here and you must be annoyed that he's here too right?"

"Okay at 7 I will pick you up in front of the hotel"

"Jin.." Namjoon called me again

"I hate that person!"

"Hahaha me too, bye"

I hung up the phone and walked over to Namjoon.

"What is it?"


"Namjoon, looks like I have to get ready, Jungkook will pick me up for dinner"

"You say-"

"Namjoon, he's my husband so of course I treat him differently"

"Jin, I know you married him by agreement"

I was surprised to hear what he said.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't pretend Jin, I heard what you said at your mother's grave that time"


"That's why I keep approaching you, I know your marriage is fake"

"You don't know anything about our marriage"

"I know everything." He gets out of bed and walks over to me, making me step back.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not going to do anything now, wait for the time hmm?" He cupped my cheek but I brushed his hand away.


I'm so tired but meeting Jin seems like a good idea, I don't want him to spend a lot of time with Namjoon.

I picked him up at 7 in front of the hotel, he came out of the lobby and got into my car. I saw something strange in his face.

"Jin, what's wrong? what's with your face?"



"He knows about our marriage agreement"



"What? but how?"

"He heard me, at that time I was talking to my mother at her grave and he came to pick me up, I didn't know he heard everything, I'm sorry"

"So that's why he keeps approaching you?" He just nodded.

"Jin, but I think this marriage is no longer a matter of agreement, in fact we have violated the five rules that I made and you said, you want to try to make this marriage exist right?"

"Yes you are right" I held his hand tightly.

"It's okay, he doesn't really know everything, let's find a good restaurant near here"



After finishing eating and returning to the car, I feel like I don't want this dinner to pass quickly, I have to go back to the hotel and Jungkook has to go back to his hotel. I don't like this.



"Will you sleep in my room tonight?"

"Good idea, why didn't I think of that, then I'll stay there until your assignment is done, then we'll go to my hotel for our honeymoon"

I just smiled at his words.



"Do you mind doing this with me? I mean, I never express my feelings, because I don't know what I'm feeling." I shook my head.

"I'm glad we're like this, after all there's nothing for me to question, you're my husband so I believe whatever you do, even if it's only for your own sake, I won't be disappointed, from the start you told me everything and I accepted you"

"why your face makes me can't help myself Jin"

"Then don't be arrested"

I realized when I said that, because I couldn't help myself when I saw his face either.

He cupped my cheek and brought his face close to mine and kissed me, I was happy when I felt his lips pressed against mine. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck. He sucks my lower lip, he puts his hand on my waist. But then we break our kiss and put our foreheads together.

"Looks like we have to get back to the hotel soon"

"Yeah, looks like we have to settle it there"

YOU BELONG TO ME // KOOKJINWhere stories live. Discover now