Chapter 2

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It's been a very long night, lots of customers are arriving, I imagine myself lying on the bed with a warm blanket, but I'm here, still here.

"Jin, how is your mother?" My best friend Yoongi came up to me and sat in front of me.

"It's better, but she still has to go through chemotherapy a few more times"

"Jin, I'm sorry, I promise if there is a better job than this I will definitely give it to you"

"Aish, what are you saying? I've been working here for three years and it really helped me, you really helped me Yoongi"

"Yes, but I know this is very less for you Jin, this is only enough to pay for your mother's treatment, then what about your needs?"

"I don't need anything, I just want my mother to come home healthy, that's enough for me"

"Hmm Jin, by the way I want to tell you something"


"This is about my friend Namjoon, he's a regular customer here, he wants to meet you, he wants to take you to dinner with him tomorrow, but I'm sure you won't to, right?"

"If you already know the answer why did you tell me?"

"This is because he forced me to ask you first, before deciding on my own"

"And the answer will be the same as your answer"

"Yeah I know, but are you sure you don't want to try meeting him?"

"For what?"

"To be friends maybe"

"Yoongi, if he wants to be friends with me he won't invite me to have dinner with him, he can come to the bar table and get to know me"

"You're right, okay I'll tell him, then I'll go first, have a good job and don't forget to say hello to your mother"

"Okay, thank you"

I never once thought about boyfriends, I don't think I would have time for that, my time was spent working and taking care of my mother in the hospital and my mother didn't even ask me about a partner. So I just do my life as usual, even though I'm not young anymore, I'm 32 years old and that's old enough for me. Maybe I'll stay alone until the end of my life.

The next day


Meeting, meeting, meeting and meeting .. there is not a day without a meeting. I'm so tired today, I'm not in the mood, I'm thinking about six days left, how to find a partner in that little time left?


"Come in"

"What's with your face?" Taehyung came over to me and sat in the chair in front of me, he is my only good friend. I have many friends, but he is the only one I consider a friend.

"my father"

"Why your father?"

"It's about the wedding I told you yesterday"

"Why don't you accept his offer to marry Jimin?"

"No way! I will not marry him"


"Aish, he is always clingy to me, I don't like his childish attitude and he is very spoiled, I hate him, I can't even imagine living with him and seeing his face every day"

"You are so mean, you should be able to give him a chance, at least you two can get to know each other"

"No, for me, I already know his attitude like that and I'm not interested in knowing more about him"

"Then you want to find out where your partner is? You can easily find them in clubs, even in this office. But I'm sure the ones that match your standards are nowhere to be found"

"I've never had a partner before, so I don't know how to set the standard for my partner, besides I'm really not interested in a relationship, it will annoy me at work"

"Then, get ready to marry Jimin, your time is running out Jungkook, six days is not a long time, you will unknowingly wake up on your last day without a partner"

"You.. you should help me, but you scare me, but I have an interesting idea"

"I don't want to hear it, I know it's not a good idea"

"But you have to hear it, I will make a marriage agreement, I will pay that person to be a fake partner, so we don't need to be together like married people"

"Did I say, this is not a good idea"

"This is a very good idea for me"

"But marriage is something serious Jungkook, you can't play with a marriage, you want to know something?"


"My mother once told me, good things will always come in a marriage, whatever looks bad in our eyes, it's actually the best thing that God has given to our lives and one more thing, love can grow at any time, if your heart is empty be prepared to be filled when you get married later"

"No way, my heart won't be filled with anyone, we're not really married, like I said, it's just a marriage agreement"

Why did those words suddenly stick in my head? No way, I'm not a person who falls in love easily, besides whoever the person who will be my partner, I don't know him. So I can't fall in love with him.

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