Chapter 41

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2 months later


I can't believe it's been almost 5 months since I've been married to Jin, he's no longer working with Namjoon and I told him to block all contacts related to Namjoon. Yoongi and Hobi also visit more often and accompany Jin at home when they are not busy with their club.

My father, there is no progress from my father's condition, the doctor said it was only a matter of time, but I believe in a miracle. My father must be fine, at least much healthier than before.

Today I woke up alone, there was no Jin beside me, but I heard a voice from inside the bathroom, so I went straight to the bathroom and saw Jin was vomiting there. I walked over to him and rubbed his back.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"I don't know, I woke up because of nausea and my head was a little dizzy"

"We have to go to the hospital"

"No, I just want to rest at home, you have to get ready for the office"

"I'm not going to the office, you're sick Jin, I have to be here to take care of you"

"I am okay"

"My decision is final, I'm not going anywhere" Jin washed his mouth with water before hugging me.

"I love you"

"I love you my baby"

"I am hungry"

"Let's eat, I'll make porridge for you" He nodded while leaning his head on my chest.

After eating he went back to his room to rest, I brought him anti-nausea and dizziness medicine so he could rest well.

"Jungkook please stay with me" He patted the bed beside him and I immediately got up and leaned on the headboard, he hugged me from the side and put his head on my lap. I just gently stroked his hair.



"How many children do you want to have?"

"me? I never thought about it and since you are the one who will later bear our child so I will leave it to you, whatever you want"

"I want two"

"Okay, two kids if that's what you want"

I didn't hear his voice anymore, only soft snoring was heard, I turned to his face and saw he was asleep like a baby, but that's right he was my baby.


I don't remember the first time I started feeling nauseous and had no appetite, every time I smelled the food I felt like throwing up. I even sleep in another room because I can't smell Jungkook's body. I miss him but every time I sleep near him for too long I get nauseous.

There are things that I think about my nausea, but I'm still not sure if my thoughts are correct or not. Jungkook always tells me to go to the doctor, but I don't want to, I want to go to the doctor myself and if what I think is right, I will surprise him.

It's been almost two weeks, I always feel nauseous every morning, Jungkook often doesn't come to work to accompany me and today he has to attend an important meeting so I'm alone at home. This is the right moment to go to the doctor alone.

When I arrived at the doctor, he asked me what my complaint was and when did I start feeling this nausea and dizziness. After I explained he told me to lie down on the bed and pull up my shirt to see my stomach. Then put cold gel on my stomach and then put a tool on top of the gel, my eyes looked at the screen in front of me. When I saw the lump on the screen, I turned to the doctor beside me and he looked at the screen with a smile then looked at me.

"You know what lump that is?" I shook my head.

"Congratulations Mr. Seokjin, you will soon become a father, that is your baby, he is about 3 weeks old, still very weak, so make sure you eat regularly and don't stress, because it will affect your fetus"

"I am pregnant?" The doctor nodded with a happy smile on his face. I also unconsciously shed tears while continuing to look at the screen.

I'm back with my pregnancy results, I'm very happy today, I'm going to surprise Jungkook, he must be very happy too.

When I got home and opened the door I saw Jungkook inside, crying while holding the phone to his ear.

He came up to me with an angry face and grabbed my arm.

"Where were you? why didn't you tell me you were going out?"


"ANSWER MY QUESTION!" My body flinched at his screams.

"What is it? why are you like this?"


"W-what? I'm sorry.." I opened my bag and saw that my phone was turned off, I think I forgot to charge it.

He immediately pulled my hand away from there, while in the car he just cried and didn't look at me at all. He didn't say anything to me either. He must be very worried about his father. I should have told him where I was going...

When we arrived at the hospital, Jungkook and I ran to his father's room, we saw his father's assistant and the doctor talking, I could see his father's assistant crying in front of the doctor, I hope this is not bad news.

"What happened? how's my dad?" Jungkook said.

"I'm sorry, we tried our best, but your father didn't survive, you can come in now"

"WHAT? WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Jungkook pulled the doctor's collar in front of him, but his father's assistant and I tried to release his grip.

"YOU'RE LYING! MY DAD IS ALIVE! YOU'RE LYING!" He dodged from my father's and assistant's grasp, then entered his father's room.

"DADDY WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!!!! PLEASE WAKE UP!!! DON'T JOKE, THIS IS NOT FUNNY! WAKE UP PLEASE WAKE UP!!!!" Jungkook tried to move his father, I walked over to Jungkook but when I tried to touch him he accidentally elbowed me hard, making me fall to the floor.

He still didn't look at me, he just kept screaming hysterically in front of his father. His father's assistant came in and picked me up, then led me out of the room.

When I came out, I felt so dizzy, I leaned against the wall and lowered my head to the floor, until I saw blood pouring from my feet.

"Mr. Jin what happened?" His father's assistant said.

"No.. no way.. no.."

"Mr. Jin, I'll call Mr. Jungkook!!" His father's assistant supported my body which was about to fall.

"No, please don't!" He immediately carried me bridal style and took me to the doctor.

"Mr. Jin, did you know you were pregnant?" I nodded, lying on the hospital bed.

"Your fetus is very weak, it is only about three weeks old, if this happens to you again, you will lose your baby"


"I suggest you to bed rest, don't do strenuous activities, don't stress and don't fall again, you also have to eat a lot, your baby also needs to grow" I just nodded.

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