Chapter 28

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Honestly I don't want to stop, I love it when he touches me, but I don't know why I'm scared, I don't know why we are doing this, I think I can do it without love but I don't think I can. I realized that love is important in a relationship. That feeling is what makes us sure to do everything.

As I lay on the bed I closed my eyes and touched my lips, I still felt his lips on me. I can even feel his touch on my body. I think I'm going crazy now.

I woke up and showered as usual, then went out and headed for the kitchen to prepare breakfast. When I turned around to get the juice in the fridge, I was surprised when Jungkook hugged me from behind.

"Did you sleep well tonight?" I nodded and put the juice bottle on the counter.

"How can you sleep? I couldn't sleep last night"

What's wrong with him? I turned around and leaned against the counter and looked into his face. Why does he look different today? he looks a lot more handsome, or did I just notice?

He brought his face closer to mine, made me close my eyes, when his lips were closer to mine, the ringing of the phone startled us, I immediately opened my eyes and saw my phone ringing, I put it on the dining table, but when I wanted to pick it up, Jungkook held my hand.

"Jungkook, I have to see who's calling" then he let go of my hand and I immediately saw who's calling, it's Namjoon.

"Hello, Namjoon" I can see Jungkook crossing his arms in front of his chest while looking at me.

"Are you still home?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Jungkook walked over to me and stood right in front of me.

"I will pick you up"

"Huh? You don't have to—" Jungkook immediately took my phone and hung up the phone.


"What did he say?"

"Answer me, what did he say?"

"He..he wants to pick me up"

"I'll take you"

"I can go alone"

He sits down at the dining table and I get his food and place it in front of him.

"Jungkook, don't be like this" He just nodded.

After eating he got up from his chair and washed the dishes, he must be angry, but I don't want to bother him, I really can go alone. But my guess was wrong, he came up to me and kissed my forehead.

"I'll go first, call me if something happens and be careful" I just nodded, I like his sweet attitude like this but I don't know why he always changes.


After last night's kiss, I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about him and why my hands were touching his body. I must have gone crazy when I did that.

"Looks like you did it last night?"


"You don't come back to my house, it means you..."

"I didn't do anything, we just kissed"

"Only that? but you don't come back to my house, it means you are comfortable with his kiss and he is not angry when you kiss him"

"Forget it"

"Then how do you feel?"

"Tae, stop asking that, I'm still figuring out what's wrong with my feelings, I just love it when he kisses me"

"I was waiting for the moment when you confessed your feelings, but I'm starting to get nervous waiting for it"

"I just love the kiss, doesn't mean I'm in love right?"

"Yeah it's up to you"

I had lunch with Taehyung and in the cafe I saw Yoongi, I haven't seen him for a long time, so I approached him.

"Hey Yoongi"

"Hey Jungkook, we haven't seen each other for a long time, how are you and Jin? and introduce my boyfriend Hobi" I shook hands with his boyfriend who smiled at me.

"Good, looks like you two haven't seen each other lately"

"I'm busy with my club and it looks like he already works at Namjoon's company, so he must be busy, Namjoon must be keeping him busy"

"What do you mean?"

"Namjoon is my friend and he's a regular customer at my club, so I know how he is, I just want to tell you, take good care of Jin, because I don't know, we don't know what was in Namjoon's mind, before Jin married you, he likes Jin and he tries really hard to get close to Jin, I've tried to make him stay away, and when you got married I thought it would make him stay away from Jin but I was wrong, I'm sorry Jungkook "

"You don't need to apologize, I know something is wrong with him, I will take good care of Jin. Come to my house if you have time, Jin will definitely miss you"

"Sure, I will come to your house if I have time"

"Then I'll go first, my friend is waiting there, bye" I smiled at both of them before going to Taehyung.

I knew from the first time I saw him, there was something strange about him, I couldn't read his head but I clearly knew how he looked at Jin, it wasn't an ordinary look.

YOU BELONG TO ME // KOOKJINOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant