seventy five

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a few hours later...

Everyone in our immediate family finally arrived at the hospital, even Ariana's dad and Nonna, who booked an emergency flight from Boca as soon as I notified them about what happened to her. Tori couldn't stop crying since she arrived here and saw the state she's in. Her dad didn't say a thing but was crying silent tears. Frankie, who's usually always cheerful and spends a lot of time cracking jokes, was sitting quietly in the corner. Everyone's a mess.

After some time, Dakota picked up the twins from our house, and now they're sitting on my lap, having absolutely no idea on what's going on with their mom and little sister.

"Daddy?" Alistair called. "Yes bud?"

"Why's Mommy still sleeping? The sun's up already."

"Mommy's really sick and can't wake up because of it, she's gonna wake up when she feels better," I explained, although I wasn't sure whether or not she's ever gonna wake up.

"Why's Mommy's tummy not big anymore?" Marshall asked, "Where did the baby go?"

"The baby's also really sick, so the doctors had to take her out of Mommy's tummy so that they can help her get better," I answered.


"Can we go see the baby?" Alistair asked.

"I'm sorry bud, we can't see her yet, she's way too sick, but don't worry, the doctors are taking really good care of her and Mommy."

"Otay Daddy."


It was getting dark, and I still haven't left Ariana's side. I held her hand in mine, softly caressing it. Gosh, words can never explain how much I miss her and how worried I am. It's been almost 24 hours since she went unconscious, but she still hasn't woken up yet.

"Dalton," I felt a little tap on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Dakota.

"It's getting late, and the twins seem exhausted, want me to take them home and watch them for the night?" he offered. "T-thanks, that would be great."

"Pickles?" I called. "Yes Daddy?"

"You'll stay with Uncle Kota for the night, okay? I'll stay here with Mommy."

"But I wanna stay with Mommy too," Alistair complained as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Buddy," I knelt down to his height, "I know that you're so worried about Mommy and the baby, but you need to get some rest, okay? They're gonna be okay. The doctors and nurses are here if something happens to her, and I'm here too, so there's no need to worry and just listen to Uncle Kota, okay?"

"Otay Daddy," he replied. I kissed them both goodnight and they left with Dakota. Soon, everyone else also left, leaving only me and Joan. I held Ariana's hand in mine and gently caressed it, hoping to feel a little squeeze or something like that.

"I miss you so much," I whispered. The doctor said that she might be able to hear me, so talking to her might help.

"We're all so worried about you," my voice cracked, "The twins came to see you today, and they were wondering why you haven't woken up. They had so many questions about you and our daughter, but I couldn't explain much, because they're too young to understand."

"Our daughter is alive," I added, "She isn't doing so well, but the doctors are taking good care of her. I still haven't gotten the chance to see her yet. Hopefully we'll be able to see her soon, together."

I placed a kiss on her forehead as tears streamed down my face. I looked over at Ariana, who had tears coming out of her closed eyes. She could hear me.

"She can hear me," I whispered to Joan.

"Bellissima, we're all so worried about you," she softly cried as more tears streamed down Ariana's face.


It's now midnight, and Joan and I both were still awake. We were too scared to fall asleep, because no one would be watching Ariana. Although the nurses were also monitoring her 24/7, it would be a lot safer if we both would also stay awake.

"Dalton?" Joan called. "Yeah?"

"Go get some rest, you've been awake for nearly 24 hours, you need some rest. I'll watch her," she said and I shook my head.

"I-I'll be okay," I reassured, "I think it would be better if you're the one resting, you need it."

She lightly nodded. She climbed onto the couch in the corner of the room and soon drifted off to sleep. I ran my fingers through Ariana's hair and couldn't help but shed a tear, remembering how much she loves it when I do that. Gosh, baby, you'll never understand how scared I am. If God forbid you couldn't make it, I would live in misery for the rest of my life. You're everything to me.


the next morning...

The sun came up, yet there was still no response from Ariana. It's been over 24 hours since she slipped into this coma. I was getting even more worried. There was a knock on the door and I came to open it.

"May I check on Mrs. Gomez for a little while?" a nurse asked and I nodded. I let her in and she checked on Ariana's condition.

"H-how is she doing?" I asked.

"According to her charts, her condition didn't change much compared to yesterday. If I'm being honest, it's gonna take a lot for her to recover from the blood loss."

I lightly nodded. She then excused herself. I sat back down next to the bed and softly caressed her hand.

"I love and miss you so much," I whispered, "Please wake up."

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