thirty six

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a few months later...

"Happy release!" my friends exclaimed as the clock striked nine pm. I softly kissed Dalton's lips. My sixth studio album, positions, finally came out. I invited my closest friends to come to the release party.

"Guys, can I make an announcement?" Victoria asked.

"Yeah, sure," I smiled.

"John and I are having a baby!" she beamed and lifted her oversized hoodie, revealing a baby bump underneath.

"Holy shit!" I gasped and embraced her into a hug, "Congratulations!"

"Thank you," she smiled.

"How far along are you?"

"24 weeks, baby's due in February," she smiled.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for you and John."

"Thank you."

Dalton was the next to congratulate her, followed by everyone else. When he was done, he sat next to me. I sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me.

"We should have our own baby too," I told him, "but probably in a few years, we're still pretty early in our relationship. Besides, I think it's best for us to focus on our career first. I mean, I'm 27, I think it's a pretty good age to have a baby, but you're only 25. You're still at the peak of your career. Waiting another two or three years would probably the best time."

"I agree," he smiled, rubbing my hand with his thumb, "we don't have to rush, and we're gonna be amazing parents."

"I'm scared of giving birth though," I pouted, "I'm tiny, and you're a giant. If the baby is gonna be huge like you, I'm fucking screwed for the whole pregnancy, and giving birth is gonna be even worse."

"Poor baby," he giggled.

"I hate being tiny," I pouted.

"Nothing's wrong with being tiny, you know?" he smiled and wrapped an arm around me, "Being tiny makes you cute and huggable, I can carry you in my pocket."

"Does that mean I'm won't be cute if I'm not tiny?"

"No, baby, that's not what I meant," he pouted.

"I know, I was just messing with you," I giggled.

"I really can't wait for that day to come," he smiled. "Me too."


The party came to an end. We had a quick shower and put our nightwear on. I snuggled next to him on the bed and he wrapped his arm around me.

"I'm still not tired."

"Me too."

"Can we talk about our future?" I looked up to him. "Of course baby."

"I really can't wait to start a family with you," I smiled, "You still want three kids, right?"

"I do," he smiled, "Have you started thinking of baby names yet? Cause I have some in mind."

"Nope, but tell me."

"I'm thinking of Marshall for a boy and Fleur for a girl," he smiled.

"I love them," I beamed, "I actually just came up with two girl names."

"Ooh, tell me."

"Luna and Willow."

"They're adorable," he smiled, "I really can't wait, but let's think of more boy names, I want a mini me."

"Not a mini Dalton," I pouted and he frowned, pretending to get offended.

"Just kidding," I giggled, kissing his cheek.

"If our future kids get their heights from you, they'll outgrow me by the time they start middle school, cause 1. you're a giant, and 2. I'm tiny as fuck," I pouted.

"I'm a giant for a reason, which is to protect you," he smiled and I blushed.

"Okay, now let's go back to thinking about boy names," he gave me a goofy smile.

"Okay," I giggled, "I just thought of Hunter and Wilder, but they sound so basic. I want our kids to have unique names."

"I agree, they do sound basic."

"Wait, how about Alistair?" I suggested.

"Baby, I love that name!" he beamed, "We're definitely using that name if we have a son."

"I'm tired," I yawned.

"Get some sleep baby, we can continue discussing everything tomorrow," he wrapped his arm around me and
softly kissed my head.

"Night," I mumbled against his chest before drifting off to sleep.


the next morning...

"Baby?" I called Dalton. "Yeah?"

"Did you see my glasses anywhere? I forgot where I put them, I'm too lazy to put some contacts in," I frowned.

"Nope, but I'll help you find them," he answered and started looking for them.

"Found it," he smiled, taking them out of the bedside table's drawer.

"Thank you," I smiled and put them on.

"You're so forgetful," he giggled.

"Bear with me, I have a lot in my mind," I pouted.

"What's been stressing my baby out lately?" he asked.

"Whether people will like the album or not," I pouted.

"Oh baby," he wrapped his arms around me, "you worked your ass off on this album, and I witnessed it all myself. They're definitely gonna love it."

"But it's so different from what I usually release."

"It doesn't matter, change isn't always a bad thing, you know?"

"You're always making me feel better," I lightly smiled. "That's my job."

"Wanna go on a drive around the city?" he asked and I nodded. We got in the car and began driving out of the neighborhood.

"I think we should buy another house," I said to Dalton, "I want another house with more privacy."

"Let's buy one together, considering that we're already living together," he smiled.

"And we can start making room for our own family that will start very soon," I beamed.

"Soon soon or your soon?"

"I hope it's my soon, but pregnancy takes nine months, and it might take us a couple of months to try for a baby," I pouted, "and I'm still not ready for kids yet, I'm so sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry baby," he softly rubbed my thigh, "we can always wait until we're both ready. Waiting until we're both ready will also help us become better parents."

"I guess you're right."

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