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a few hours later...

"Alright, you're fully dilated, it's time to push," Dr. Hilton said, "When you feel a contraction, I need you to push with all you've got. If you need to take a deep breath, do it and continue pushing until the contraction ends. Take deep breaths in between your contractions to prepare yourself for the next round of pushing. Do you have any questions?"

I shook my head. Only the dad was allowed to stay in the room, so Dalton was the one staying with me. A bunch of nurses and pediatricians entered the room and began preparing for the delivery. My heart began pounding.

"Baby, you're scared, aren't you?" Dalton asked. I lightly nodded.

"I'll be here, squeeze my hand as much as you need," he smiled. The doctor helped me get into position and soon enough, I felt a contraction coming.

"Alright Ariana, I need you to take a deep breath and push," Dr. Hilton instructed. I took a deep breath and squeezed Dalton's hand as I began pushing. The pain was really intense. I felt the contractions slowly diminish and I took a deep breath.

"You're doing great baby," Dalton softly rubbed my hand. Soon enough, the next contraction began. I once again squeezed Dalton's hand and began pushing. Tears began streaming down my face as I tried to bear the pain.


an hour later...

"I-I can't do this anymore, it hurts so much," I cried.

"You're doing an amazing job, Ariana," Dalton encouraged and softly kissed my forehead.

"Your first baby is already crowning. The head is going to be out on the next push," Dr. Hilton said.

I felt another contraction and pushed. I felt a burning pain down there followed by something coming out. I panted, trying to catch my breath.

"The head's out," the doctor announced, "You just need to push two more times and your baby will be here."

I pushed through the next contraction and felt something bigger coming out. This time, the pain was even worse.

"Ow," I cried out in pain as I felt something tear. From the pain I was experiencing, I felt like I was going to pass out anytime.

"The shoulders are out," the doctor announced, "Just one more gentle push and your baby will be here."

I gave out one more push and soon enough, the cries of our baby boy were heard.

"Does Dad want to cut the cord?" Dr. Hilton asked Dalton.

"Sure," he smiled. He cut the cord and our first boy was checked by the pediatrician. It was time to deliver the second baby.

"Alright, this one's gonna be faster than the first, you got this," Dr. Hilton encouraged. I felt a contraction coming up and I began pushing. A couple of minutes later, the cries of our second baby were heard. Dalton helped cut the cord and our baby was checked and cleaned up. I delivered the placenta and was also cleaned up after.

"Ariana, you have a minor tear, but don't worry, I'll stitch it back up. I'll just numb you up so you won't feel any pain," the doctor said. I lightly nodded. I was then numbed and stitched back up.

"Here are your healthy baby boys," the pediatrician smiled, walking over to me with our babies who were nearly wrapped in a blanket.

"Congratulations," she smiled. She placed our babies on my chest and I immediately fell in love with them.

"Oh my gosh," I sniffled as tears of joy began streaming down my face.

"They're so beautiful," Dalton whispered with teary eyes, looking at our babies with pure love. I looked at him in the eyes and softly kissed his lips. The room was filled with so many emotions.

"We're officially parents," I sniffled and Dalton softly kissed my lips again.

"Damn, they're both exact copies of you," I chuckled in between my tears as I looked at our boys. Dalton giggled.

"Mommy loves you both so much," I softly kissed their heads.

"And Daddy too," I smiled and kissed Dalton's lips.

"May I know if you're going to breastfeed for formula feed?" the doctor asked.

"I'm gonna try breastfeeding, but I'll formula feed if I can't produce enough milk."

"Alright, you can start feeding whenever you're ready. You can always ask me for some advice if you need them."

"Thank you."

I then requested everyone to enter the room. The doctors and the nurses congratulated us once again and left to give us some privacy.

"Wanna hold them?" I asked Dalton.

"Sure," he smiled. I carefully passed them over to him and he looked at them with pure love. Soon enough, everyone else entered the room.

"Hi honey, how are you feeling?" Verna asked.

"Still in some pain, but I'm glad that the worst part was over."

"You did an amazing job, come here, you deserve this," she smiled, embracing me into a hug.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"I can still clearly remember the day I held you when you were just born, now you're having babies yourself, you're growing up so quickly," my mom teared up.

"Aww, Mommy, don't cry, I'm gonna cry too," I tried not to tear up.

"Wanna hold them?" Dalton asked my mom. "Sure."

He then carefully passed one twin to my mom and the other to Verna. Everyone took turns in holding each of them.

"They're both exact copies of Dalton," Nonna smiled.

"Yeah, his genes are very dominant," I giggled, "They're even big like him."

"Damn, Dalton, those balls are powerful," Nonna chuckled, making everyone laugh. Dalton blushed.

"You both are gonna become amazing parents," my dad smiled.

"Thank you."

"I hope they only got Dalton's looks and not his attitude," Tori giggled and I laughed.

"I agree, he's really annoying sometimes."

"Babyyy," Dalton frowned and I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Have you got any names yet?" Frankie asked.

"Yeah, we're naming them Alistair and Marshall," I answered, "but we haven't decided which one is which."

"You both better not mix them up," Hector laughed.

"We probably would, so we're gonna get their names tattooed on their foreheads," I joked and everyone laughed.

"We probably won't remove the IDs on their ankles until we can figure out their differences," Dalton laughed.

"And Dalton, being the dumbass he is, will probably still mix them up," Dakota chuckled. After some time, they all decided to go home and give us some time alone with our babies.

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