twenty four

305 8 0

the next morning...

"Baby, I got a reply," I said to Dalton.

"What did they say?"

"They're gonna be investigating the issue and question Justin and Hailey. I just hope it's not gonna take too long," I sighed.

"I hope so, we really have to get rid of the rat, he's been harassing you for years and that's not okay."

"I know," I breathed out, "he only cares about money."

"And he causes controversies way too many damn times," he added.

"I know right? I feel bad for everyone he has taken advantage of."

"There were way too many victims of his greedy ass. Do you remember the whole Taylor Swift controversy last year?"

"Yeah, that was like the biggest controversy last year. I reached out to her and told her that she has my support. Scooter tried to make it look like I hate her and a lot of people actually fell for his manipulate ass," I rolled my eyes.

"See? Another reason to hate him."

"Come on, let's just cuddle instead of wasting our time talking about him," I said to him and he nodded. We snuggled together on the couch and I placed my head on his chest.

"I love the way you smell," I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me, "that's why I steal your hoodie all the time, because your smell made it feel like you're with me all the time."

"Oh baby, you can steal my hoodie anytime, I won't mind," he beamed, making me smile.

"Your hair is so soft," he smiled, running his fingers through my hair.

"I hate the way it looks," I pouted, "a lot of them fell out during Victorious because I had to dye them red every two weeks."

"You're still beautiful though," he smiled, "I love your curls. I wish our future kids will have them too."

"No, I got bullied at school for my curly hair," I frowned, "I don't want them to go through the same thing too."

"I won't let that happen, I promise."

"Okay, okay," I chuckled, "you're already so protective of children who haven't even exist yet."

"I'm practicing, you know?"

"You're excited, aren't you?" I giggled.

"Ooh, of course," he beamed, "but I don't mind waiting until you're ready."

"Thank you so much for being so understanding," I lightly smiled.

"It's my responsibility, you know?" he softly kissed my head, making me smile.

"Can we drive around the city?" I asked him, "I'm bored."

"Of course, let's go," he smiled. We both got up and got the car key then went inside the car. He got in the driver's seat while I got in the passenger's seat. We buckled up our seatbelts and began driving out of the neighborhood.

"Damn, the streets are so empty because of the lockdown," I breathed out.

"I know right? Remember the last time we left the house? It's been ages."

"This pandemic sucks, but I'm glad that I have you with me," I smiled.

"You're the best," he beamed.

"No, you are, end of discussion."

"Fine, I'll let you win this time, just because I love you so much," he pouted.

"Can we stop by at Starbucks to get some coffee?" I asked him. "Sure."

We then pulled up at the nearest Starbucks.

"What would you like?" Dalton asked me, "I'll get it for you."

"A grande soy latte."

"Ooh, grande," he smirked and I blushed.

"Iced or hot?"


"Okay, I'll be back soon."

"Don't forget your mask," I reminded him and he nodded. He put on his mask and went inside the building. He soon came back with our drinks and gave mine to me.

"Thanks," I smiled. "You're welcome."

"What did you get?" I asked him.

"An iced vanilla latte in grande," he answered, emphasizing the 'grande'.

"Baby," I pouted.

"Hi, I'm Ariana Grande and I'm a singer, not a Starbucks drink," he continued to tease me and I playfully smacked his arm.

"Ouch!" he frowned.

"You shouldn't have teased me," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You're being mean," he crossed his arm.

"Nope, you're just being a baby."

"Fine, just give me a kiss," he puckered his lips. I giggled and softly kissed his lips.

"Thank you," he said with a baby face.

"You're welcome baby giraffe," I booped on his nose.

"You're still not done calling me a baby giraffe?" he whined.

"You're right," I giggled.

"Fine, but I'll still call you my tiny bean."

"Fair enough."

"Where else do you want to go, my tiny bean?" he asked me. I blushed.

"Around the city," I answered and he nodded. He started the engine and started driving.

"I really wanna take you out on a date, but it's still unsafe," he frowned.

"I know, I hate it," I sighed, "but at least we can cuddle at home. You're the best cuddler."

"Well, it's all because you're cute, tiny and huggable," he smiled.

"Nah, you're just tall," I giggled.

"Nah, just ask Tori."

"But she's also tall," I whined, "it's in your genes."

"That still doesn't change the fact that you're a tiny bean," he giggled.

"You're mean," I frowned.

"But I was just speaking facts."

"You owe me a cuddle."

"Fine, fine, I'll cuddle with you for the rest of the day," he smiled. "Yay!"

"Cutie," he smiled.

"I wanna be the little spoon again."

"Of course baby," he smiled, "I enjoy being the big spoon because like I said earlier, you're cute, tiny and huggable."

"You're the best," I beamed.

"No, you are, end of discussion."

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